30 reviews liked by maxdog100

this game is dead and its never coming back, (therapist said it was good for me to voice it)

its fuckin minecraft, tf you want me to say

All the way back in 2017 on Christmas, I got an SNES classic. I already owned an actual SNES before that, but I figured since they were big that year and it had a buncha game I did not own, a classic would be a fun gift to ask for Christmas. One of the games on there was Mega man X. Before this, I had only played both Mega man 1 and 2 that same year but didn't really enjoy them. So, while I did play a bit of the first stage in X, I didn't really give it much of a chance and quit. Fast forward to 2021, and I decide to actually go back and beat the game. I do so and enjoy it but thought it was just good overall but not great. However, last year I decided to do a classic Mega man marathon which then turned into a Mega man X marathon. I of course wanted to replay X1 before going into the other games, and what do ya know, I ended up loving it. I figured since I played it two years in a row, why not make it a tradition and go for a third year. So, I indeed did fit in one more game this year, and luckily it ended off with a bang.

If I'm gonna be really upfront, the number one reason I love this game is it's OST. It's the difference between giving the game a 7 or 8, it's that damn good. Every single song is a banger, which I can't say for any of the other X games personally. Some of my absolute favorite songs are Sting Chameleon's stage theme, Boomer Kuwanger's stage theme, Spark Mandrill's stage theme, the opening stage theme, the password screen and more. It's all just so masterful, can never get enough of it.

Another reason this one is my favorite is probably the level design. Besides X4 which has some of the best level design in the series too, none of the other X game's I played were as solid in that department, I think. The addition of levels changing based on the player defeating certain Mavericks was very awesome..and the backtracking in this game is way more manageable compared to future games (I'm looking at you X3). Also, I initially did like this more than any classic game and while I still do, a big reason for that is having a dash just makes the X series way more fun I think. This is the one that introduced that mechanic obviously, so I definitely have to praise it for that.

I gotta say as well, the X series on the SNES specifically looks amazing visually. It may have some of my favorite pixel art in any game, it's so visually appealing.

I was originally gonna give this a 10 because I do love this game a lot...but going through it again I did forget how bleh those Sigma stages can be. Apparently in my last playthrough I had no problem with them but this time around, I did notice how shitty they could be. Definitely the worst part of the game and a downgrade from the regular levels but at least the final fight is good.

This was fun to replay as it always is. Maybe the next time I replay it, I'll feel like bumping it up to a 10? Who knows, either way..I'm posting this on New Year's Eve and won't have another review out until after the New Year so I want to wish all my followers and anyone who sees this a very happy New Year. I also want to thank everyone that supported me this year. My account grew an absolutely insane amount these past couple months specifically... and I still just can't believe it! Thank you all so much, I love you guys! I hope everyone that sees this has an amazing 2024, keep on gaming gamers and decrease that backlog!

bored asf at the family function, sitting on a chaise lounge by a pool being the weird girl playing slitherio and listening to mgmt. some old hippy in a bandana just told me covid is fake lol
anyhow add me on discord @ naomis_perfume bc I’m so fucking boredddddd





A fascinating glance into what dogs must look like on Zuckerberg's home planet.

It's a lot like Call of Duty 2, if instead of being arguably the greatest WW2 FPS game ever made, it was campy trash filled with half-assed cutscenes and plot that was obviously designed in the early '00s and ran at an unsteady 45 FPS even on its best version.

It's still fun to play though.

Cool idea if you like.. um.. puzzles or something but i however take at least a month to unpack after a vacation so idk why u'd wanna sit down and unpack in a game.
Cool and unique way to tell a story but not enough murder for me to enjoy it.

i'm so wonderpilled. so wondercore. truly i've wondermaxxed this video game to become a wonderchad. thank you mario wonder

The Xenomorph knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't, by subtracting where it is, from where it isn't, or where it isn't, from where it is, whichever is greater, it obtains a difference, or deviation. The Director AI uses deviations to generate corrective commands to send the Xenomorph from a position where it is, to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is ripping your face off.

2 lists liked by maxdog100