One of the worst to do it, didnt even finish it i think

Arceus was much better, this was too simple and left a lot to be desired

Really enjoyed this one actually. I hope this is the basis future pokemon games will be build on, not scarlet and violet. If they do that, there may be a future 5 star game still.

Always fun, even though i'm ass. Items are mandatory haha

Not bad. I play a lot of 1 euro sale games on the switch and this was one of the better ones. Cute visuals, puzzles weren't too frustrating. Interesting world

non-game in my mind. recall absolutely nothing from a game i have proof i played

I did play it for a little while, the controls just weren't great. Gorgeous though. Maybe i'll try it again some day, highly doubt it

Hoped this would be my new Animal Crossing. It wasn't, it was fun for a couple of days though. You really have to be a hardcore fan of the genre to see this through

Cute little game, much better than other similar ones

Was the game shit or was I too young and bad to progress? probably both

First review of a game i'm actually still playing. Fun way to keep in contact with a friend who lives 100km away. We used to play hundreds of hours of warzone, now we play this. Decent little game, goes deeper than we thought it would. Definitely some UI and optimisation issues on the switch though

Hahaha who remembers this game? Used to play it for hours when i was only a boy. I used to love being the little mage fucker. Still love playing magic characters to this day

I couldn't get into it, probably because the setting is so not my thing