Price: 2 bucks

It's a decent point and click adventure. It struggles with some puzzles being unlogical, but there's a great low spoiler guide online if you ever get stuck. The story is alright, but just too long to keep your attention really. The epilogue felt like a chore but i finished it. SPOILER NOW

Kind of weird that you never find out what happens to your grandpa

Price: 2 bucks

It's colourful, it's fun, it's pretty good. The puzzles are sometimes quit tough to figure out, but never impossible. There's always some not too far-fetched logic to them, near perfect difficulty.

The artstyle is great, the map flipping can be quite disorientating though. I wish it was clearer that you can't finish challenges after completing the main mission of each chapter.

Every chapter introduces some new mechanic and it never felt like a chore to me. It was longer than I expected but not a drag, one of the best 2 bucks games I've played. Not surprised in the end, as i noticed it's by the same developer as Lost in Random which i also loved

Price: 2 bucks

Great colourful artstyle, the machanic of being able to move the background is pretty cool and i haven't seen it before. The controls (movement based) on the switch can be clunky. The train ""puzzle"" goes on for far too long

The puzzles in general are not too difficult, but sometimes require some thought. Pretty great difficulty, keeps it casual. The game doesn't go on for too long, and the art is simply stunning.

A lot of reviews say they didn't care for the story or the old man. I didn't care that I didn't care, it wasn't about the story for me. Pretty good little game

Price: 2 bucks

Although the story and the concept seemed fun, the gameplay is just too tedious. 18 types of insanity i need to remove? Doubt I'll ever play this again

Price: 1.5 bucks

I get that it's called freaky trip, but it would be more fun if the puzzles made a bit more logical sense. I experienced a glitch that made it impossible to finish the tourist level, had to restart it. A second glitch caused me to be unable to use hints during a level, restarting it fixed it. Although this game is not too bad, if you want a very similar game with a more engaging story and more in-depth puzzles pick My Brother Rabbit

Price: 2 bucks

The mechanic that carries this game is clearly the flying. So why there's dungeons at all in this game is a big question. Took me 15 minutes to complete half of the first one. Saved, quit, came back, puts me at the start of the dungeon again. Gotta redo it. Great.

Traversing the overworld is amazing, gorgeous. Why the game forces you into confusing dungeons is a mystery.

The other dungeons aren't so bad, i actually quite enjoyed them. More flying would be better though. The story is not too captivating, i got the jist of it and didn't care too much. A cute game that i would recommend if you chase that serene feeling in games like i do.

Price: 2 bucks
Time: 5 days

As always it was the colours and casual look that attracted me to this switch game. Although I've nevers seen Adventure Time the artstyle reminded me of it. When the game opened with an adult themes warning and ominous sounds and visuals, i was truly wondering what way this story was gonna go.

As i expected, gorgeous visuals. Early issue: i hate realistic jump height. This girl literally jumps maybe 30cm off the ground, that's below realistic height. What i do like is that the collectibles actually add something to the story.

This game has some incredible skies, something I've always adored. The core of this game is movement which doesn't feel too great on the switch. A lot of backtracking and puzzles feel slow, as they're also movement based.

Although the cartoonish artstyle and the adult themes, both in writing and in visuals, are a great match, i cannot finish this game in one go as I usually would. It's simply too much of the same after 2 giants, i have to play something else inbetween. The game however doesn't easily allow this. Because of the backtracking you can easily get truly lost in a cave if you haven't played in a while.

The gameplay is really quite repetitive, the intrique of the story and the gorgeous art keeps me going. I must admit though, the Crypt is so damn beautiful i can't imagine it getting any prettier, and i still have 2/4 giants to go, which feels like a chore.

It actually went by quite quickly, which is good. The ending leaves you with a lot of questions though that i wish would've been answered. Overall a decent game if you enjoy colourful artwork.

Painful and beautiful

On sale price: 2 bucks
Time: 4 days
Full review below

Bought this about two weeks ago i assume because it looks colourful. Don't remember what kind of game it is at all. It seems to be a cute 2d platformer, usually I'm not into platformers but this one seems story driven and casual.

A unique idea for the toturial and the cursor make me already like the creative mindset the developers have.

It's a beautiful story of loss, especially the elements of denial moved me. I waited to play this game until the sun had set, and I'm so glad I did. The colours in this game are magical, and together with my ambilights this is just a lovely experience.

Although there is an option to decrease the cursor sensitivity, this option doesn't exist for walk sensitivity. As a result, people with stickdrift (like me) may find some areas of this platformer frustrating. Having to enter the book menu every time you want to use a skill shouldn't have been needed. I feel like i enjoy the journal intermezzos more than the "real" game.

There were some funny moments in this game, my favourite joke was that tidying up means telling the cat to fuck off. I like the companion that's introduce, but its quasi infantile speech is a bit much.

Damn during the drive i was struggling hard to keep it together, and two more times after that. And by struggling i mean failing.

The people you care about live on in you and others they influenced, through manners, ideas and memories. What a beautiful message. As a game this is average, but the story moved me like no game has, and the colours were gorgeous. Enjoyed it a lot.

Most beautifully crafted opening animation I've ever seen, rivaling Katrielle and the Millionaires Conspiracy in how good it is. Starting the game now, i hope I'll disagree with everyone. This looks absolutely stunning. Turned the lights off, ambilights linked to my hue lights are lighting up the room with the most amazing colours. If this game is even half good I'm sure I'll love it. Full review below

Quite some loading screens, and they're white and bright as fuck. Lovely music, and all lines are voiced. Many triple A titles don't even do that. The game looks super polished, there's many ~2 bucks sale games that are astronomically less clean. The time mechanic is an original idea and fun in battles. At level 7 i have yet to encounter the supposed difficulty everyone complains about, maybe people don't know you can heal between fights using your skills? The most annoying part so far is the left joycon vibrating like an earthquake during attacks sometimes and nothing in the menu to turn it off or tone it down.

First boss fight took me 3 tries, below I'll add some hints. The pacing is a bit odd. I did not get to go to a city or heal up naturally (without using a tent) between the first and second boss. Just straight from dungeon to dungeon. Rounding corners in these dungeons is a bit clunky. Also, the weaknesses and strengths of enemies don't always make sense. The huge fish is immune to electricity? But takes normal water damage? Ok i guess. And why do some dungeons have an exit you can't enter back in through? I missed a sidequest and had to run through a dungeon 2 more times haha. Not a hassle though.

I did encounter a crash, didn't lose any progress luckily as i had just saved but these are rare to encounter on switch. I must say the gameplay is quite linear, do this, go there. I do really enjoy the movement though, the walking, the transport through the overworld. Enemy variations could be better, i wish a new area would mean all new enemies. Or at least enemies that make more sense. I guess slimes can be anywhere, but why is there a guard from two cities ago battling me at the lake? Why is he there? Why is he hostile at all? The 4th character comes pretty much out of nowhere, and by that point I had already made my magic boosted character immensely strong (139 magic attack). There was no reason to add him to the party. Let's see if I'll regret that.

Having to do the same dungeon again for a side mission seems unnecessary, especially if you have to grab the exact same objects as in the main missjon. Just leave it out then. A lot of people seem to complain about the random encounters. They're really not that plentiful, and not so bad. Also, before even meeting the 4th character you can buy an item (for 10k) that completely eliminates them when worn. I truly wonder whether the game has been updated for the Switch or something.

Lots of issues people have, e.g. the extreme difficulty, i do not encounter at all on Switch. The game is fun, I do think I've head enough though. I'm level 20, and i notice you still unlock things at level 38. That's too much for me, I maybe would've continued if it wasn't for one GLARING issue. My entire build hinges on a single character, who is temporarily replaced by another character who literally dropped from the sky and is dogshit. Therefor i can't blast through enemies anymore, it's been fun but i think I'm done, 10 days seems plenty.


Audible Wow counter: 7
- Opening animation
- Entering the cathedral
- Reveal of the time mechanic
- Entering the walled city
- Seeing the "broken" mural
- First look at the mineral lakes
- Walking through the mineral lakes

Tip: do NOT use your first tent before the wolf fight
Tip first boss: Focus on a single arm only, plant a heal, use passes if the arm is down but the healer isn't there yet, get lucky and only have wilhelm grabbed (3/3 in my fight haha)

Believe i played this on ps4. Enjoyed it a lot, really cute and polished game

This game had loads of flaws, but i still enjoyed it even before it became better. It is now much better than at launch

I'll be real aram is just a blast

Character model and animation are very basic, movement is clunky, not a polished game. Grabbing doesn't work with turning, and lining up items to use is nearly impossible. Absolutely horrendous game, first time i feel truly scammed by a game on the switch. Chances of me ever playing this again are near zero. Maybe this game is a 2 star game on pc, it's 0 on Switch

Beautiful world with some very fun mechanics. Some backpeddling that wasn't for me but oh well. Enjoyed this one

Don't recall whether i played this on pc or ps3, but i do recall playing the unremastered version. Driving the car felt absolutely useless i disntinctively recall, but solving the crimes was great