Pac-Rank (Maze Games)

Just the maze games. I haven't played some of them yet, so Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness is sadly off this list, but hey - I'm probably the only one who cares enough about all of these games in their totality to rank them!

Adventure games list one day?

I'm serious! The gameplay mechanics are genuinely some of the most rewarding to master in the entire series while remaining modern and accessible for those who don't like their play sessions being ended by game overs instead of time limits. The amazing visuals and soundtrack are welcome bonuses.
The original version is probably the purer version, truer to the original Pac-Man, but the homebrew-turned-official Famicom version is easily the best game on the Famicom, period. Too bad it's held hostage in Namco Museum Archives...
I suck at this one, but it's too important to ignore. Its nature as a game that's been completely solved in theory fascinates me, especially because understanding its theory and being good in practice are completely different disciplines.
Championship Edition but mindless. Ghost Trains, slowdown, bombs all work to ruin the pacing of the game, and turns Pac-Man into a game of Follow The Yellow Brick Road. It's still probably the most fun Pac-Man game if you don't actually care about Pac-Man.
Championship Edition but on Facebook, using the original maze layout, (excuse my french) kind of flaccid, and most importantly, dead. It was still good enough to entice me into making a Facebook account when it was new... much to my retroactive regret.
It's got all the problems that I have with Ms. Pac-Man on arcade, but the co-op and speed booster features make up for all of it. I probably enjoy this more than the original, but I couldn't say it's the better game.
okay so i get miyamoto made this and i should probably love it, but my issue is just that it's borderline impossible to play this with anyone. gamecube with link cables? two nintendo switches? at least the version on namco museum ds works with ds download play, but... who even carries a ds with them these days? anyway, the game is fun when you have people to play it with; the single player mode in switch namco museum is easily one of the most boring pac-man games ever.
The anti-Ms. Pac-Man is in some ways an anti-Pac-Man. It's not as clearly communicative of its behaviors and because of the various, almost cluttered mechanics, it's a little harder to read what's going on. I don't hate it, but it's hard to say I love it.
Ms. Pac-Man, the larger and less fair Pac-Man had an even larger and less fair sequel... Super Pac-Man, more obtuse and gimmicky than Pac-Man, finds itself with an even more obtuse and gimmicky sequel. I like this more than I probably should.
Same problem with Pac-Man Vs. - the AI in the Pac-Man Museum port is just insanely bad, and it's impossible to even play against more than one AI opponent. At least this is actually playable in arcades and cinemas, so you're more likely to have people around to play with, but I imagine if Pac-Man Vs. had a similar setup, I'd like it more
Obtuse, sometimes too cheap, sometimes too mindless, but it's not bad... just that there's nothing to achieve in playing this one.
What if arcades wanted to get more money off of you by making Pac-Man harder so that you'd get Game Overs more often and put in more quarters? Out of principle, it's hard to like this game.
It's fun for an endless, procedurally generated game, and its monetization is honestly quite fair... but the fact that I've skipped countless opportunities to pick this game up on Steam on sale should say something about my feelings on it. It's literally the antithesis of Pac-Man's solved nature.
At least it's not Pac-Man Plus? The level design is obviously quite horrible, but at least it's free, and has built-in multiplayer. It's probably worth a look for curiosity's sake, and to promptly never touch again.
(Mazes mode) It understands so little about what makes the original Pac-Man good that I'm surprised that the main game turned out half as good as it did.
Ms. Pac-Man was bigger and better than Pac-Man, so making Ms. Pac-Man bigger will make it better, right?, it makes for a bloated, overly difficult game with visibility issues.
This is proof that the General Computing Corporation doesn't actually understand what makes Pac-Man good, and Ms. Pac-Man was a fluke
This game is outright broken. It seems painfully obvious in hindsight that most anyone who would be interested in making their own Pac-Man maze has no idea how to make an actually good maze... not that the engine behind WBPM is any good at all to begin with.


3 years ago

Your list made me want to check out the original championship edition along with Chamiopnship Edition 2.
As a die-hard Pac-Man aficionado, I think CEDX+ is peak Pac-Man.

3 years ago

i respectfully disagree with your opinion but i can live with that

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