I sucked at this game but my dad kicked ass and the game had a sick soundtrack.

I'm sure this game is terrible. I remember the stupid ass ice section where one person had to go at a time but they would inevitably screw it up and we'd have to keep restarting. Had a lot of fun though!

My parents lovingly bought this for me because it came with a skateboard (similar to the WiiFit board) and I had some fun with it but it was super janky and just ended up pissed more often than not.

My aunt had bought this for me to play at her house when I visited. I was very excited to play it but then quickly learned it was not fun at all, sadly!

Another game that my mom was very good at!

I remember playing this game before watching Shippuden, so I had a very loose idea of what was going on at any given time.

I'm sure this is an accurate Risk simulator, but I remember it being really slow with long load times

Loved this game. Didn't discover until I was a little older that it had a whole multiplayer mode.

A family friend bought this for me and I hated it so much. I have no idea why they would get it for me.

Tony Hawk for people with heart!

This game kicks ass!!!! Me and my dad would play it all the time. I will not allow any dissent here!

After we had collected all of the American Sing Star games at the time, we were desperate for more karaoke! Thank God for Simon Cowell!

Obviously making roller coasters is awesome, but you can't forget the dancing mini game!

I sucked at this but my mom was really good so we had fun with it