Can't believe they never made Battlefront 3 with evil obi wan

Great game, not as good as Zodiac Age, but one of my favorites regardless.

Crazy to make three bangers in a row and then fall off entirely

This game really got me into the CULTURE of skateboarding, which was great for someone who couldn't skate.

Rockband made a genius decision to add drums. Drums are cool!


I remember this being decent fun! Not as cool as Jak X, but most games aren't!

The first Guitar Hero I played. Sadly, I have terrible hand-eye coordination, so I never went above Medium!

This game was a hoot! Very similar to The Lion, the Witch, and The Wardrobe for some reason.

I probably played the Dash running game 100 times before I beat it.

A lot of people don't like this because it's an even edgier spin off game, but it still 100% holds up and I've come back to it every couple years since it came out.

When I got this as a kid I very much did not appreciate it. Came back to it a few years later and really enjoyed it.

Was really excited when this came out before I realized it was just Budokai 3 with some other shit

Technically this was my dad's game, but he would occasionally let me try. I would usually die immediately.

Played this at a friend's house when I was 8 but we quit because we couldn't stop arguing over which one of us would date the hot black lady

If I was hanging out with my redneck friends there was a 50%+ chance that we would be playing this. One time this kid in my class tried to convince me his uncle worked for WWE and had let him play the next game, in which they would now have guns.