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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 19, 2021

Platforms Played


Okay, damn. THAT took up a lot of my time, but I'm back on backloggd...

The writing, sound design and music are up to par with the first game, if not better in some examples. That being said, the game comes to a grinding hault on the third case with the most unlikable characters and infantile logic that made it very frustrating. The last case is great but drags on for way too long. The thing I liked the most would be the game's subtitle "Justice for All" and how it relates to the story's themes from start to end, very enjoyable stuff.

All in all, there's just a moderate amount of things that bring this game down for me. I gotta admit though, playing case 3 with drinking game rules was miserable yet enjoyable for me and my friends. If you want to partake:

1. Every time someone calls Regina cute take a drink.
2. Every unfunny Moe joke take a drink.

You will get absolutely trashed.