2 reviews liked by mido33537

After playing the original 2004 edition ever since I could think, this remake has done what I thought was impossible and upheld the original magic I felt playing this game. Everything from the new visuals, lighting, and quality of life changes have been a joy to see. While not always a good change, they are clearly made with care by people who really appreciated the original game and wanted to do right by it. The only complaint I possibly have is the 30fps cap, but with emulation and switch 2 on the horizon, I don’t think it’ll be an issue for long. Overall a fantastic game and if you consider yourself a Mario or an rpg fan, this needs to be on your must play list.

Easily one of the best games I have ever played. After playing bloodborne and getting into the series, DS3 is what made me truly fall in love with the souls games. Fast paced combat with a beautiful art style, an intriguing world, and the most consistent boss roster fromsoftware has produced to date. Including the DLCs as well, it stands as a triumph of the studio and a fantastic game. Absolute banger