I think the community that emerged with Dreams is astonashing. I was amazed with the number of creations made with a simple gaming tool. But for me, Dreams lacks a storyline or a story-based adventure, something to hold me for more time.

I must say, this game is really scary, truly a great horror game. BUT, I don't like this type of gameplay. At first, it was fresh and different, but I'm getting tired of this. Moving on to the next one!

the story behind all of the unpacking is pretty interesting

A disgrace, to tell you the truth. The amount of rushed development and recycled features present throughout the game makes a big glob of extremely boring gameplay. The hype that I had to play this game diminished every single second while playing it. I congratulate the studios for having improved a lot with Ghost of Sparta.

Demons Souls, the one that started the best era ever in the gaming world, bringing a fresh, challenging and addictive genre. I didn't have the chance to play the original version (playstation 3 version), so the review will be completely focused on this remake. And I have to say, kuddos for the quality this game delivers. At all times, I was fascinated by the visuals, the surrounding environment, the sound quality of footsteps, attacks and other random noises. The group that built a whole new soundtrack for this game was, obviously, never going to disappoint, knowing that they did the Bloodborne soundtrack as well. All the songs turned a simple boss battle into the most badass battle ever. In terms of story and gameplay, it's one of the simplest in terms of plot and lore, comparing to the other souls, the bosses are mainly focused on technic, therefore, very easy if you pay attention (the boss runs were the hardest, in my opinion). Overall, it was a really fun experience and I recommend all souls fans to play this game.


This game was... amazing. Such an incredible way to work with color and join it with very clever puzzles. A must try, it has beautiful story.

this game is just down cringe and unbalanced as hell

Well, we all know the game is broken and all that, but I was lucky. I didn't have any major issues while playing cyberpunk, and I really feel sorry for you. We need to talk about the campaign, we need to talk about the emotions and the soundtrack, all of this is pure genius, and you can't fight that. I was really sobbing in the finale. Truly amazing z thank you for this

Well, this was an improvement comparing to the Wolfestein: The New Order, gameplay and story-wise.

I can't tell you how many times I played this game when I was younger. Hours upon hours spent on it. But now that I’ve played it again, I don’t understand how I did it so many times. This is one of the longest games in the franchise... how I managed that?? Anyways, the new features implemented were a waste, they didn't add anything good to the gameplay. Still, the story is good

So I have a lot of mixed feelings about this game. Overall, it was an interesting experience, I not a big fan of first person shooters but I always wanted to play the Wolfenstein franchise.

I admit, the game has some nice moments, but the whole story was a little bland. I felt the scenes were not connect at all, giving the feeling that everything was being rushed, and for what?

Also, the game crashed a lot of times, for no reason. Big no no

Pokemon is not for me, but I understand the nostalgia

This game spoke to me so much a couple years ago and I always had an interest to play it. So, I finally did, and it was a little disappointing. The game itself is good, it has good gameplay mechanics but it lacks so much, and that's a big thing.

This game deserves a remake, the theme and the ambiance of it is amazing.

God of War experience taken to another level.

I am truly speechless. This was a magical adventure, so much different from the other games. The nordic mythology take was an absolutely great installment to the god of war franchise, and I'm looking forward for Ragnarok.

The gameplay was a little bit hard to get used to, I usually play game on the hardest difficulty, but oh boy that was too hard to survive and enjoy. It was a challenge, which I really enjoy and crave. But, the most relevant thing from this game was the story, had me burst in tears in some moments. I felt that. I felt everything, the environment, the character's stories.

What about the soundtrack, you might ask? No words can describe it, only feelings. The way Santa Monica makes all scenes in all God of War games so powerful and meaningful through music is astonishing.

This is a brilliant way to make a saga new and fresh again, and I'm sure Ragnarok will be even better.