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Look İ didn't played the first game, but i am still a Batman Fan so let me go on.
I really love Batman I just love it he is awesome!
So I was looking for cracked games for my PS3 in store then the dude from the store recommended it, as a Batman Fanboy I wanted to download it so the dude downloanded it and when I get to home I played it.
And I started to game, remember the first scene of the game prison scene İ DİDNT GET İT, I WAİTED THERE FOR HOURS AND NOTHİNG HAPPENED. Then I didnt play the game for like 3 or 4 months (I gave up too easily) I didnt deleted it cuz I love Batman and LOVE BATMAN. After months I solved my problem I looked to walkrought. And then the game is started for real, graphics , musics.. MAN İT WAS FİRE İ SAW EVERY CHARACTER I LOVED LİKE; PENGUİN, RİDDLER(I hate him), JOKER, MR. FREEZE
But my PS3 crashed at boss fight with penguin plus it got damaged cuz of some dumass electrican so i didnt play the game for like 4 weeks aagain.
When its back I taked down Penguin and played nothing strange happened except THE VARİETY OF THE FİGHT MECHANİCS MANNN THAT THİNG WAS FİRE (I was like Tuco Salamanca trying Blue Sky)I LOVED EVERYTHİNG ABOUT İN GAME MECHANİCS EVERYTHİNG WAS WELL PLANED AND GOOD except Talia(Catwoman is bettter) MAAN so i played then i came to the finale AND SHOCKİNG TRUTH ABOUT JOKER MAN İ WAS LİKE WTH HOWWWWW.. HOW HE İS CLAYFACE. Then I killed the clayface then Joker dies and Talia is dead too but idc about Talia, I am sad for my man Joker..

So long story short I loved everything about the game except the finale and FREAKİN RİDDLER whatever It was a really great experience i definitely recommend it

Thx for readin :)

My friend Dogan suggested the game, so I bought the game because I love zombies and my friend told me it very fancy and said, "Look, the game is on discount, this opportunity will cant be missed". I couldn't play the game because I was staying at my father's house and I didn't have a PC at the time (one of the reasons I couldn't play most games on my account is that I didn't have a proper pc). He knows that I dont like difficult games, we entered the game for half an hour, my friend taught me the mechanics of the game and so on. I found the game very boring when there was no action while walking around. The defense logic of making the base was good, but it was very slow. This slowness of the game caused me to slowly cool off from the game, but I re-entered the game thinking maybe I would like it, and I hung out with my friend for 1 or 1 and a half hours. We visited the map. While visiting the map, I was telling my friend how much I did not like the game. We left the game at my insistence and never entered again.

The game is in my eyes; Slow, bulky, eye tiring and boring part of what I like is Zombies, Craft Variety, Armor and Weapon variety, even these are enough to give me 4 points to the game, but I deduct one point because of my friend giving me that gas.

I just finished the game and it was good, I definitely recommend it, but don't expect too much.

Good sides; Music, Graphics, Characters, Level Designs, Art Style, Last 2 Hours of Game, Funny background dialogues, Motorcycle Part, blood splattering around

The bad sides are; On the one hand, the game becomes very monotonous, there are too many unnecessary and long parts, although the characters and the dialogues with them are fun, I cannot say the same for the story. There were many parts of the story that I was not impressed with (except for the end of the game and the last scene with the Psychologist) I especially think that Snow is a very empty and boring character, even though the variety of enemies is high, the variety of death animation is limited

Although there are many bad parts, the good parts I have counted cover the bad parts of the game (long unnecessary parts, except the limitation of the enemy's death animation), I would like to thank my friend who gifted this game to me, greetings from here :)