5 reviews liked by mistyrose774

Jett is pretty hot. this game makes me hate myself

severely misses the mark.

just play cs2. probably gonna be plagued by power creep like many of riot's other games. characters like reyna and neon are a little too fast for what is meant to be a precise gunplay experience. counter strike has achieved a greater level of depth with each ultility compared to the abilities found in valorant and cs is literally just a bunch of smokes and nades. through valve's use of source's physics engine you are able to be extremely creative with such limited tools. valorant has only a few agents with that much depth. if you want a slower paced fps just try siege or counter strike.

I was really excited for this game 5 years ago when the gameplay trailer was released. Then it turned out to be the most disappointing game I have ever played.
- Smurfs in every match make the matchmaking unfair. Riot doesn't care about it.
- Bugs from two years ago still remain.
- Crappy server. Sometimes I need to exit the game during the match to fix the server latency issue.
- The game crashes a lot and I had to re-install the game many times just because of some absurd errors.
- The worst community I've ever seen.
- The only game that made my Vega 11 overheated for some reason.
- Vanguard is crap. It bricked my old motherboard.
- Imbalanced agents.
- The reward you get after playing a lot of matches or wins is not worth it. You can only unlock a few uninteresting handgun skins and stickers.