I would argue it's a masterpiece for the souls like genre.

It takes skill in this game to win. Plain and simple. You literally have to get good. BUT you have a million routes to choose from.

Bias as I grew up with this game playing with my brothers. STEP JUMP BRO!!

Only game to bring me and my brother to cheering each other on and laughing. A great game!


A fever dream of a game. I put about 9 hours in this game and don't regret it. You can customize your character and guns, making it I weird shooter RPG. Good to play for like $5 on sale

The sleeper roguelike that does everything right. I wrote this off as just another dlc but it's its own action-packed section of PREY that keeps giving.


I love games that let you solve YOUR WAY, but not in a broken way Ala Elden Ring/enshrouded.

The story is gripping, and the exploration is S tier. MUST PLAY

Currently playing this with the seamless coop mod. This game is an experiment fromsoft cooked up, and it doesn't work. You can go anywhere, fight anything. Is this boss my level? You never really know. Some bosses or challenge bosses you have to come back to, but then it makes me question "Am I just bad or is this a 'come back later' thing?"

The design of individual dungeons and areas is classic DS design 👌 but when you have ANYTHING in the open world, it can and will be cheese. Wether by running into an encampment to grab everything then run out or killing a high level boss with 1,000 arrows. The direction points you where to go but also I would hit something along the way making me think I need to explore around then level up to come back.

"GeT GoOd!" Yes I know. This game tries to tell a story through items and cryptic messages of npcs, same DS shit. I want to be told the story like in Sekiro. ER has a whole story behind it, nay, buried deep underneath great gameplay/ item management/ a half assed crafting system is a story to be told....on a wiki...again.

This RPG open world game hits all of the spots for a casual fantasy adventure. Say you don't like your build, you can change it at any time. Ranger to archer, archer to mage, mage to warrior. You can buy blackmarket items, buy followers and all that fun stuff. A must buy if you want a sleeper RPG.

It's the Among Us of late 2023, it took us all by storm and is updated regularly. It's always a scary time especially with mods.

Outward is THE RPG. It's hard-core and makes you think and prepare. Every journey is an adventure, filled woth the unknown, throwing off your pack to run away and sneaking back for it. Finding that shortcut to the next area, and making your build work, however you want. I beat the game, but during the final battle, I got knocked out. I woke up a day later to my friends stating we won. You aren't the chosen one. You are just a guy, adventuring crafting and more!

Early access has its performance issues, but the building is the best I have ever seen. No restrictions, just make your fantasy home. The resource grind is rough sometimes, but that's just for building. The exploration and adventure is mystical as you find yourself exploring and find a good piece of loot, guarded by a boss.

Every game is fun if you have your friends. This game is great solo at lower difficulties and god-tier with friends. A great ol bug stomping/ metal crushing time. Worth every penny as you can ACTUALLY GET PREMIUM CURRENCY BY PLAYING. What a concept.

SO FAR I enjoy it. I really dont like that there are no weapon arts or anything making one sword different than another. I like the bosses and am trying to figure out where to go, I backtracked and found a winding path to a whole new area. I think Alex from the Angry Joe Show's rapid review is a good synopsis of what the game is. I recommend it if you are interested in burning some time in a dark souls environment.

Overall my experience was okay. The weapons are all the same. Maces do thier thing, no other interation changes the weapon. There are a LOT of weapons though. Some feel useless, others feel busted. Nothing totally mind blowing but definitely worth it on sale.