not for me ig, game literally got boring instantly

game is fun, but very shallow. i guess it's like wholesome cute shit, but it's just pretty boring.

amazing turn ur brain off game

story just repeats itself, game is still kinda fun tho

this game is just very unique, and that's all i can really think to say about it

it's fun, but the story is kind of abysmal
edit: nah the story fucking sucks

didn't finish, pretty meh

story carries this game ngl

this game is pretty good, but there's a few complaints i have with it
1. story is one of the weakest in the series imo
2. majima system got pretty repetitive and annoying when trying to max out the dragon style
3. side content is very shallow and doesn't really have the creativity that most yakuza games do

this game fucking sucks, but it's also really fun

edit: online is fun with hacks

this game can get really boring.
edit: honestly it's pretty fucking shit

first yakuza game i fully completed. don't think i'll ever do it again but judgment is a good ass game

gameplay carries this game imo

pissing game is honestly probably one of my favorite minigames in the series