154 reviews liked by mmcgui12

Unironically HerInteractive's modern Magnum Opus. Unfortunately, they decided to lay off a bunch of people and start work on a new game on a new engine for the one after this. Of all the games on the original engine, this one looks the best by far. I enjoy most of the puzzles in this game and the characters as well. I like the setting a lot. If Her had stuck to this formula, I've no doubt they would have made Midnight in Salem a fantastic game.

Replaying this after seven years is making me emotional??? I was (and frankly still am) greatly invested in this franchise, and wasn't ready to see it dwindle the way it did. But if this had to be the last (good) one, then I think that's something I can reconcile.

This is one of the strongest casts of characters yet, rivaling Waverly and Alibi in Ashes. Compelling story and lore. Good variety of puzzles, EXCEPT for the fact that there were at least two different times you had to do a weird version of sudoku(???) I also enjoyed the different locations, although once again navigation was a little tricky. (The ship had a crow's nest you could climb and it took me 3 quarters of the game to even SEE it.)

I didn't have it in me to do Puffin Duolingo or that weird cooking logic minigame to earn money, so instead I hacked and gave myself 9999 in currency. BUT in my defense, I did buy Ned the sword. So.

Great game. The gunplay is a lot better, but it doesn't have quite the je ne sais quoi umami of the first one. Is that solely because Sam Lake Face is absent? Who's to say.

I hate playing this game. Conversations end abruptly. Some of the puzzles are totally whack. Villains are obvious (especially one in particular...)

the puzzles r not well integrated at all and i have to gameboomers them every time i play. like if u think about acting on this set w all these puzzles its like ???? huh
but i love all these characters so much and the culprit concept is soooo unique. also greece :)

Conceptually, this game could've been awesome. But alas, its terrible, and most embarrassingly, not scary at all. Like holy crap how did they mess that up. This just feels like a sadistic child's fantasy. Boring repetitive gameplay, genuinely disgusting at times, like not even scary but just messed up and gross. This game is very detailed in every wrong aspect, like seriously take a minute to observe all the props in this game. I'm giving this game 1 1/2 because it has chess and arm wrestling, and the player characters have funny voicelines.

“What if we took the best part of Inscryption but made it Russian Roulette instead of Yu-Gi-Oh” is a helluva premise and it works really well.

This tickled my fancy in all the right ways and I just need a PvP mode so I can punish my non statistics-brained friends.

Review/Analysis: https://youtu.be/k51WEocX8QY

objectively another game that makes no sense at all
BUT i love learning about nancy's mom.
moira was in love with her for SUREEEE
most of the stars are bc of zoe. my spy wife.

ok im on a replay and took this game down a star bc i realized i gave it way too many just for zoe. the writing in this game makes NO sense whatsoever. the npcs are not introduced well and it makes no sense why nancy talks to any of them but moira tbh

As a bigtime fangirl of Ned, George, and Bess, I always loveddd this game. Just missing the Hardy Boys tbh.

Alexei might be one of the series' most compelling characters of all time?? And the other suspects were pretty well fleshed-out too. The puzzles and stuff weren't THAT exciting, but I love a story with stakes and suspects who are MEAN.

My biggest complaint is that, if you're playing as Bess and want to switch over to Ned, you can't just call him. You have to FIRST call Nancy. pls. Also I always hated that you got to see Bess and George in person, but never Ned >:(

ok I'm still not convinced that the monster is TOTALLY fake. Sure, there's closure and an explanation for the LATEST wave of sightings/happenings, but the legend goes wayyy back. All the past kidnappings? The missing/dead cattle? SOMETHING crazy was goin on in that town, let's just say that.