It's very addictive, but I don't really see the point of it.

I started off building a shelter, which then I started expanding into a series of tunnels to safely traverse the map. I was very careful to isolate myself completely from the rest of the world. Eventually the enemies started spawning within my tunnels, at which point I felt like my hours of work were for nothing.

The very reason for constructing the tunnels was to explore the map and see what the goal of the game is. Because after hours of playing it I still cannot understand it. I suppose, if I invest 10-20 hours it'll become clear, but the ratio of valuable experience per invested time is extremely low. I could've watched two life-changing movies in the time I spent building those tunnels, which ended up compromised and amounted to a complete waste of time.

This feels like a game for people who have a lot of free time on their hands. I don't.

But the music was amazing though.

Reviewed on Jul 28, 2023


9 months ago

“This feels like a game for people who have a lot of free time on their hands.”

I’ve never thought about it like that before, but that might honestly be the perfect way of looking at these type of games.

9 months ago

@TheQuietGamer yeah, I wish I was still a kid who doesn't know what time is

6 months ago

The issue is you spent hours building tunnels instead of exploring the world, exploring caves, collecting loot, preparing for bosses etc. The main point of the game is the bosses and the progression that completing each boss requires.

6 months ago

@cascader then maybe the game should've made it clearer