Before it was ruined, I can confidently say this was my favorite game for a WHILE. Even after it's embrace of all of gaming's worst sins: lootboxes, p2w, battle passes, copying it still has a very special place in my heart.

finally rocked tabuu's shit after being stuck FOR YEARS. my inner child was so proud of the person I am:)

Very fun game, unfortunately a couple things hold it back. Combat and areas are repetitive, but it didn't really bother me. Customization is also weak, as there's only 4 body sets. Again, it didn't bother me very much but more customization would elevate this game. The main problem I have with this game is it sometimes forces you to grind sidequests and find collectibiles to get an area to 50% completed in order to progress in the game. You also need to grind wanted rank to progress, but it isn't as annoying. Overall good and fun game, just expect lots of grinding.

romanced hot party ghost needa do more but for now I consider I beat this game

the only bad things abt this game are that: 1. short 2. that god awful pigeon frying minigame. The game could also use a better story, but I got much more invested than I thought I would. Gameplay and weapons are peak

Very influential game, and was interesting to look back on what games used to be like. There are very creative choices, such as weapons like the needler. The enemy AI and open world were revolutionary at the time, and have somewhat held up. The gunplay is basic, but enjoyable. My biggest problem with this game is the map and level design, as in the later parts of the game they drag on. Many of the areas are the exact same, and the game can become a chore to get through. The final level's escape scene was grueling, as the vehicle controls were terrible and every time the Warthog crashed, I misclicked and got into the side or gunner seat instead of the driver. It's a nitpick, but it significantly dampered my excitement of the end. If you're like me, ABSOLUTELY DO NOT binge play this game, you'll get burnt out. I believe the best way to play is in bursts, as there is still enjoyment to be found. I am disapointed by this game, as I expected a classic, and it may be for others but absolutely isn't for me. I wanted to like it, but there was so much that ruined it for me. Lots of people grew up with this game, and I believe if I did as well I'd love it. If you've read this whole thing and are a Halo fan, are the other games any better? Halo 2 and Reach are the only ones I'd play afterword, but I'm so burnt out on shooters and this game left such a poor taste I'm not gonna for a WHILE. have a good day:D

I played this game on my tablet in the old days, it was hella fun. Too bad it's delisted now:( fuck mobile game companies