(This review is specifically for co-op in ds1r)

The only time i have ever managed to play online in a dark souls game before obtaining a steamdeck was on the switch version of ds1. Needless to say, i went in with a pretty poor opinion of it since the switch's middling internet connection did little for pvp, as every interaction was basically someone teleporting behind you and ending you with a backstab. I actually believe some of the weird, aggressive pvpheads played the switch version purposely for this reason, because the experience i had there was a hundred times worst than just playing it normally on steam.

I had a shockingly fun time playing co-op with hilda here. It was pretty seamless and we were able to do most things together, even if i would sometimes rather not look at hilda's new, hit character "Smelly Elmo". I dont think i ever got too mad at an invader, and they werent doing weird shit like running away and wasting our time. No one had a bad name or anything either, and i even had a pretty high rate of winning pvp encounters. It might of also been to my advantage that no one wanted to get near Smelly but i will take what i can get.

As i grow older i am starting to become disillusioned with fromsoft's work in general, though. Every idea Miyazaki has just seems to be taken from either Beserk or Ghibli and its kind of deflating to look at something and go "oh..ash lake is just the toxic forest from nausicaa". There is also quite a bit that is genuinely unfair in terms of the design, youll likely run into a lot of little things that add up over the course of the game. Like for me, i chose the lifehunt scythe as my main weapon... no matter how much you level up, your character moves like they can barely hold it. They use the scythe like a pickaxe....its very strange. Its also supposed to do massive bleed damage to enemies as well as build up your own meter as a tradeoff, but 90% of bosses are immune to bleed and players have such high resistance that it just doesnt matter. It also makes dps battles like the four kings borderline impossible as every three hits you take damage.

I also chose to do a miracle build, specifically wanting to use gywndolins spell. I spent a long time grinding ears to get it, only to find out that my weird pickaxe is just simply too special to be buffed with spells. Ok then, i wanted to use bountiful sunlight to help hilda during pvp. I put 36 points into faith- which nothing else even comes close to requiring by the way- only to find out yet again that you cant actually use it unless youre in gywnevere's covenant? Despite the game giving it to you like a normal spell, and never stating as such? Shit like that just deflates your excitement for the game and makes it feel clunky

Doesnt help that the remaster just sucks. They added nothing and fixed nothing, not even being able to warp to any bonfire or having an extra slot for essential/summoning rings. Ds1 ng+ is also horrible, for some reason. The damage enemies do to you is insane. Those stupid little crystal bow idiots were taking out 80% of my level 140 ass somehow. It makes playing with others absurd as one of you is likely to die from some stupid shit like that, and the game sends the summoned all the way back to the bonfire as if they died in their game so thats another time waster there.

I spent a long time complaining about the game and not talking about co-op but i think thats all i have to say. I would like to thank smelly elmo for taking a break eating wood chips to play with me. It was fun attempting to cut off kalameet's tail for 3 hours. Miyazaki is a bit of a hack.

Reviewed on Jul 14, 2023


11 months ago

I'll always remember my only experience with the Dark Souls Remastered online (I was Hollow most of the game since I kept dying over and over so I barely interacted with anyone): I got invaded. I searched for the player for a bit. I got a internet connection error and disconnected.

Fun times.

11 months ago

Let's take some time to congratulate Smelly Elmo on her passing, she worked so hard for this. I was very excited for this remaster and then immediately sank into buy it when it's 5 dollars territory once it actually came out. 5 dollars spent!

11 months ago

im happy i spent 80 dollars on ds1r in total. really thrilled.

11 months ago

@DeemonAndGames hey, it beats having some weirdo invade you 40877986 times with an overpowered build then dance over your corpse as if killing you was any challenge at all lol

11 months ago

yeah dark souls can suck if you just pick a bad weapon, double sucks in ds1 since you can't respec. (and a lot of weapons in ds1 just suck).

They changed mainly online stuff for the remastered, online passcode thank god. and added a bonfire to Vamos because fuck getting there. I think adding ring slots would be cool, but DS1 is the two ring game and would change it too much.

I think taking ideas is good, i love when people take ideas.

11 months ago

@Snigglegros the weapons in 1 are very weak, the coolest things to use feel like straight/great swords but just doing that over and over again gets stale. Im not sure why my extra special super cool scythe was just treated as a weird pickaxe when it was a unique boss weapon but whatever.

Thank god for the passwords or else i dont think i would of had as good of an experience with co-op -_- i get that fromsoft wasnt the one remastering it but there were so many qol improvements they could of done. There coulda been a slot for only unique rings like summoning rings and the one that lets you walk in lava but nooo thatd really bust miyazakis whole vision.

I think when you take ideas you really sacrifice a lot of what you have to say yourself. Ideas have a kind of purpose behind them, and when you separate that purpose of design from the concept it just ends up half assed and stupid to me. Being inspired by something is different but theres straight up an unused enemy in the code for ds1 called "ohmu" like cmon. It just detracts from everything about your original idea and makes it seem lesser when youre adding your 50th character/boss who is totally not just supposed to be Guts from beserk. I dont know much about beserk but it seems to me like both that and ghibli carry a lot of significant meaning to their work so it also just feels kind of insulting to steal shit from them.

Sorry that was a bit long but i looooove complaining and hating.

11 months ago

i think miyazaki has enough input of his own where its fine to remix shit from others into it. I love the type of mash up music where they can mash like 10 songs into a grand epic and thats like entirely made of not your own music, but you can still have the craft to combine it all, thats still skill and heart. It also gets to a point where so many things are inspired by something like Berserk or Tolkien, what have you, are all those things bankrupt for remixing cool elements?
I think its because berserk and ghibli carry so much meaning that people would want to remix elements of them. People see those cool stuff and go, "wow I wish I could do that".
I think im probably mixing taking ideas with inspiration (as you clearly separate them), but i just put them it all together. The only way I will not like it if its obviously a soulless cash grab/rip off.

11 months ago

@Snigglegros yeah, to me inspiration and taking something are very different. What you said about seeing something and being like "wow thats cool i want to do that", id consider that as a founding for inspiration because there was something in that work that clearly connected with you in some manner. Of course, people dont create in a weird vaccum and everything is brought on by our environments and what we see, we are all always thinking up ideas based on other people ideas. But its the value you see in it, and how you apply it to your art, that makes it yours and not just straight up taking something out of its contexts. Like, cause youre the only one who can see something that way, so take the feeling from what you enjoy and make it your own. There are countless precedents for this, but then theres miyazaki with things in his game that were just going to be ideas from other stuff with his lore slapped on top of it. It just feels childish that you have this huge audience and this huge budget and you cant think of anything else to do that isnt just directly pulling from already existing creations without your input on what it means to you.

Sorry if i came off as snobby or anything, its just hard for me to articulate when it comes to nuanced things like that. I get what you mean, maybe id feel like that too but the things he takes arent even that cool to me like gee golly i love treking 3 hours to the everlasting dragon in ash lake while getting shot at by a hydra. If the scenery wasnt pulled from nausicaa itd be a shithole basically

11 months ago

i dont think you were snobbish, i was hoping i was coming off as a "well actually my thoughts are better" type of guy. I really haven't engaged with Berserk super hard (besides the original anime) or seen Nauusica so I can't really say on Miyazaki's ripping of them. I should watch Nauusica cause Ash Lake is my favourite location/reveal in their catalogue so if its from Nauusica that might rip total ass to me

11 months ago

@Snigglegros Nausicaa is extremely cool, lots of very distinct environments and bugs if you like that sort of thing. A very important movie for sure, i hope you like it if you end up watching it (: