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1 day

Last played

December 18, 2021

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ends rather abruptly as these single-dev art games tend to. though in fairness I probably missed a lot. very good atmosphere. could never tell how much my progress was being the first to find a relic or robbing another party that had already taken it. a puzzlebox of a game with several other parties trying to solve it. oh you also start the game with estradiol lmfao.

a few miscellaneous notes:
-i know it's apart of the aesthetic but I would've preferred viewmodels that aren't just Source game screenshots or whatever the fuck they are

-only having 2 rotational sprites is annoying but i guess it's also apart of the aesthetic. game would probably lose some of its creep factor if there were more, idk.

-the short playtime is likely justified by how genuinely replayable it is due to how much you miss by virtue of there being agents which do what you're doing when you aren't looking

-it's utterly shocking that this is probably the first game i have played where (some) NPCs actually have game-mechanical agency analogous to the player, with the possible exception of some traditional roguelikes. and it's still incredibly rudimentary as far as I can tell. that's honestly kind of embarrassing for the medium; who wants power fantasies anymore? did anyone actually want them to begin with? how does having a Great Man player character with NPCs that are husks make for a good "RP"G? we need more games where Herobrine is real.