Super Mario Odyssey is the full game in the franchise of 2D or 3D I have played in quite some time and in the 8+ hours I have put into this game, I could have easily kept going and put many many more hours into.

During my play through, I only focused on completing the main story whilst also adding as many moons and purple coins as I thought necessary for the run. There is definitely incentive to pick it up after the main game and continue to work towards a %100 completion down the track.

The game play, music, platforming, boss battles and the "Cappy" mechanic all combined like a well oiled machine and each kingdom visited were truly spectacular each in their own unique ways. From the jazz-inspired metropolis of the Metro City to the Eastern Samuari influences of Bowser's Kingdom, I found myself wanting to explore every nook and cranny of the Kingdom though my intent was to complete the story first.

The 2D mini levels scattered throughout the entire game throws us back to the "Super Mario Bros." era in a way that was nostalgic but also fresh in amongst some of the best game play in modern gaming history.

The game itself builds towards an epic conclusion which is the best end game I have ever played in gaming but even at the end of the story, there is much much more to uncover. As Cappy says, there is a lot more to discover once you complete the main game.

Super Mario Odyssey comfortably etches it's spot as one of my Top 10 Video Games of All Time.


Stray is a surprisingly wonderful third person plat-former full of charm, warmth and an incredible soundtrack. At first glance the idea of playing as cat complete with a physical button to "meow" may seem far-fetched, but after 20 mins into the narrative, all doubts are left in the upper world of which your character falls.

Clocking in at just about 3 hours of playtime in total (longer if you struggle with the puzzles), the story is the real winner of this game. Set in a cyberpunk future , you join an array of characters who help immerse yourself in the world of Stray.

The visuals and set design of this game elevates to another level which varies from run down dystopian sets to bright vibrant neon filled towns.

The game builds up to a satisfying conclusion and by the end, the story is all wrapped up in a nice package.

Stray is my surprise hit of 2022 and my pick for 2022 Game of the Year.