Great addition to the GoW series. Improved graphics, new weapons, and nice story. The bad part is repetitive gameplay. One arena after another is what you'll get. Fights are pretty juicy and fun tho. I do not regret those 15 hours that I spent on playing. It's 4/5.

I had this game when I was a child but it was on Japanese, so I had no idea about many aspects of it. Now, I can play it on emulator, and game is pretty awesome. There's a plot, and each level ends with a small cartoon. The jokes are childish but cute. The game is pretty easy, except for the last levels that are pretty challenging. It's 4/5 from me.

This game just accidentally popped up in my memory as one of these childhood memories. Back then, I thought it's one of the best games ever. After completing it, I think this might be true. One of the best NES games imo. Despite pretty simple design, it has very enjoyable gameplay and the music is so awesome. The levels are pretty simple, except the last one, but the challenge is fair. It's 4.5/5 from me.

I was overhyped for this game. It was my first mistake. Buying it was the second one. I didn’t like the brown boring corridors that were like 90% of the game. The plot is not so intriguing also. We’ve seen multiples stories like this one, and if you investigate all the alternative routes, you’ll know what happened on this jail planet pretty quickly. Most of the screamers are predictable. They’re annoying, not scary. There’s nothing unique about the game. Sometimes it wants to be Dead Space (duh), sometimes it’s Doom, and sometimes, it’s Resident Evil. However, fights with multiple enemies are pretty enjoyable sometimes. I like the “juicy” shooting. Also, the upgrade system looks pretty nice, with this 3D printer and stuff. In conclusion, it’s like Dead Space, but there’s no space, so it’s just dead. It’s 2.5/5 from me.

It's a pretty nice quest for a game made in 48 hours for some gamedev hackathon. Not good, not terrible.

As Gordon Ramsay would say "It's f**king raw!" It's a shame that Konami destroyed PES and this is the best football game at the moment.

One of the best games of 2023 for me personally. It gives you very chilling gameplay with unobtrusive exploration and Lovecraftian vibes. Plus, the music is really great. It's 4,5/5 from me.

I really liked this game. It's very poetic, the graphics is beautiful and it reflects the cold northern beauty perfectly. The gamepllay itself is pretty boring sometimes tho. Fights are exhausting and you wish them to finish asap. It's 9/10 from me.

It's a pretty interesting concept and I've had a unique experience while playing this game. It's sometimes creepy without any jump scares, which is a big plus for the developers. What ruins the overall experience for me is some technical issues. The closer you to the end, the more frequent the game crushes ruining the atmosphere. Plus, the final titles weren't triggered properly. It's 4/5 from me.

Tiny game, crazy in a good way. Pretty funny and adorable. It takes 3-5 hours to beat, so the game doesn't get bored. The music, however, was pretty annoying for me sometimes and I experienced a bug required to restart the game from the checkpoint. Would recommend, and it's 4/5 from me.

Pure antidepressant! 4.5/5 from me.

That's a classic that brings to life many old memories. The only disappointment is the boring final boss. It's 4.5/5 from me

I believe it was mind blowing back in 1986. Tons of mechanics + some imagination, and here you go, a perfect adventure for a young late 80's NES gamer. However, it's hard to imagine how one can beat the game without using walkthrouhs. The only imaginable alternative is spending hundreds of hours figuring our where to put a bomb to unlock the next dungeon. Limitations of the platform make controls clunky which is not a good thing also. It's a 3/5 from me.

It's a pretty good dame with some TLOU and Horizon vibes. I like all the parkour stuff. Fighting is pretty repetitive but not horrible. What really bothers me is clunky controls and awful camera. You have to beat the game and beat incovenient camera angles on top of that. Probably I should've chosen "Normal" instead of "Hard" to keep my mental stability safe. It's 3.5/5 from me.

Not much to say about this one. A good way to entertain yourself for an evening or two. Pretty catchy golf/puzzle game with some ecological/social comments. It's 3/5 from me.