Seeing Ippo go head-to-head with Kenichi is all I needed. It's a clunky, plain fighter, but the chance to see these classic shonen characters together is totally worth it.

The boss fights are ridiculously hard! It gets quite tedious after a while, making even the simplest tasks feel impossible. This might be one of the most frustrating experiences ever!

Solid port with smooth gameplay, but the gimmick of having four fighters feels a bit cocky. The roster is impressive despite some cuts, though missing iconic stages stings. Story mode is thorough, covering almost all major fights from Saiyan to Boo saga, but makes some odd decisions in later stages.

The unique playstyles of the Wayfinder trio keep things interesting, and Xehanort's villainy is brilliantly portrayed, especially with Lenard Nimoy's voice acting. However, the repetitive playthroughs and bland world design make the experience feel padded. The Command Board is fun, but some Disney Town minigames fall flat.

Not your typical fighter, more of a musou style. While repetitive at times, it still offers a lot of fun and nostalgia. It's perfect for fans who want to enjoy some action-packed gameplay on the go. Plus, the multiplayer and tag missions add a nice touch.

This game captures the spirit of the original mechanics well and is a must-play for fans. However, the content feels a bit limited and short, which might be disappointing for those who prefer longer gameplay sessions. Overall, it's a solid entry but could use more depth.

Not much more than a nostalgia trip. The game lacks good mechanics, has a questionable roster, and doesn’t live up to its potential. However, the unique animations and opening are a nice touch.

An adorable, light-hearted escape where you romp through a city as a curious kitten, tackling simple but engaging challenges. It's charming and perfectly uncomplicated—ideal for unwinding. The game may not revolutionize anything, but its cute factor and straightforward play make it irresistibly enjoyable.

Delightfully quirky and engaging, it blends challenging gameplay with a playful art style and sharp humor. The journey might get bumpy due to some technical issues, but it's worth the dive for its fresh take on the genre. Just when you think it's over, it surprises you anew.

The gameplay mechanics are engaging, yet the repetitive world dynamics slow the pace. The story direction is underwhelming, often making me wish for fewer cutscenes and more direct action. However, the visuals are undeniably stunning, especially the breathtaking sceneries in Santa Barbara.

The motivational speech right before the final showdown truly amps up the intensity, making you feel ready to conquer whatever comes next. It's these moments that capture the essence of an epic adventure, leaving you pumped and completely immersed. A true highlight in an adventure full of surprises!

This game's open world is a total mind-blower. Beautiful, brutal, and packed with secrets…but damn, those crystal jerks in the cave were relentless! Forget dealing with some rot corruption lady, these shiny bastards were the true test of skill. Seriously, the world design is next-level amazing in this one – definitely worth braving those crystal jerks to experience.

This masterpiece in gaming is a relentless teacher; it's unforgiving, and yet, through every failure, it teaches resilience and perseverance. With its rich lore and challenging gameplay, it transcends mere entertainment, shaping not just gaming skills but life perspectives. It's a genre-defining gem that's as infuriating as it is rewarding.

An evolution that honors its roots while carving its own path. Enhanced visuals and smoother combat elevate the experience. A darker, richer world beckons exploration, with gruesome yet intriguing characters. Despite some monotony in the soundtrack, it delivers a satisfyingly challenging sequel.

This game really surprised me with its depth and challenges, offering a unique blend of action and exploration. The pixel art style beautifully captures the dark atmosphere, and the interconnected world is a joy to uncover. While combat can feel a bit lacking in impact, the overall experience is rewarding and engaging.