It was a great game up until Midwinter, then everything went to shit. They took a break for 6 months for "Homecoming" to "bring the game back to its roots", but then they completely mangled it.

Pre Midwinter Gwent: 4.5/5
Post Midwinter Gwent: .5/5
Post Homecoming Gwent: 1.5/5

Growing up I always felt this was one of my favorite games, but it did not age well.
Playing this game recently, the controls force you to hold the controller with crab grip if you play on max difficulty. Most of the game is pretty easy up until one of the final bosses which is extremely hard to the point where you have to play perfectly.
The story is still good though.

The first PC game I played after my cousin gave me a copy.

Probably the most impactful game ever in the history of gaming. So many games have direct lineage from this game, either through lore, gameplay, or design.
The campaign was great, ladder was great, social aspect was great, custom games were great.
It's a shame what Blizzard has become and how they've forgotten what made games like this one so good.

I tried this game during a free weekend and all I did was sit around the corner and spam left click. Nobody could do anything.
Graphics are kinda ass and the OWL is a meme.
Rather just play Quake Champions.

Quake Champions is a good game in itself, but the fact that it's so dead makes it hard to justify getting good at it.

The graphics are good and the gameplay is fun, but the performance issues that plague the game so drastically now and then make the game unplayable for some.

The marketing for the game was so atrocious through it's development. At first they tried to push the Bethesda launcher but when that failed, they tried to push the marketing by making it free now and then, and then finally made it f2p randomly with no real big announcement during a shitty patch, killing first impressions.

It's now one of the deadest games I've ever played.


So much customization and great graphics. Watching the details of your city is so much fun. Only issue I have is no multiplayer.

So much worse than Cities Skylines, but I had fun with it until I realized what the potential of the genre was

It was probably great for its time and it definitely has an interesting atmosphere, but damn has it aged badly.

I played the game since beta back when Kripp was streaming it consistently. It has always been the go to for what a hack and slash should be like design wise and really took the genre to the next gen and did everything right that Diablo 3 failed. I racked up 3000 hours on it.

However after taking a break and coming back, I felt like leveling was just so fucking slow and boring and there was so much to the game that it became overwhelming even as a player that was already familiar with a lot of things.

I feel like it became very bloated overtime and didn't fix it's core issues, but still a great game.

I started playing in beta and I played the game very seriously on launch and for a couple months after. I genuinely liked the game at launch.
However after severeal months of Blizzard's absolute silence and bad development, if there was any development at all, it became clear that Diablo 3 had no future.
Enter Reaper of Souls, where they took all the updates that they should've done throughout the 2 years that the game existed and put them all into one package that cost $40, and I swore off the game forever.
Reluctantly my friends convinced me to buy the game and try it a few months later, and wow. All there was to the game was spamming your abilities and spamming click. There was no customization, no trading, no end-game. It was designed to play for 2 weeks and then quit until next season. You didn't even have to worry about your health.

Compare it to launch where you had to avoid the missiles from giant wasps in Act 2, otherwise you would instantly die. Dying over and over again just to get past an area. It was actually challenging content and it felt rewarding.

Launch was good, but just needed some expansion. It needed seasons and needed some more stuff to do or farm for.

It's really sad that the memories I built up in this game will never be relived. The game is a husk of its former self and it could've been much better than it is. People were so focused on circle jerking that they couldn't communicate what they really wanted.

Great way to use the kingdom hearts world inside a handheld and it was just really memorable and fun. So many great memories playing this game.