if you played this more than one time, unironically consider professional mental health care.

This game is all style and no substance. The graphics are beautiful and it represents the Japanese historical settings well. However the story is resident sleeper and typical American story writing á la Assassin's Creed or Marvel. Very bland, predictable and doesn't really want to make you invest in the characters that much.

Really solid puzzle game that challenges you in creative ways. Compliments to the developer for the 200 IQ game designed.

I will probably pick it up some time in the future. This game is really good when it comes to giving the player a true challenge. It's been a long time since I was legit scared to face a boss. However this game is not meant for someone who works fulltime and comes home in the evening to relax for an hour. This should be treated like Violin practice where you make mistakes and need to grind max 20 minutes per day religiously until you become fluent in it.