Fixed everything from DP and much much more. The perfect gen 4 experience, when pokemon was still at its prime. I miss those good old days.

shameful copy-paste of BotW and using coomerbait art and characters to lure in players

The place where it all started. For its time, amazing concept and very well executed. For me the best case is the bonus case added after the rerelease on the DS.

This is the perfect pokemon experience on the GBA. The battle frontier alone makes this a masterpiece.

Excellent remake. So much love put into this w.r.t. the original PS2 game. However, it's lacking when compared to the "previous" entry, Yakuza 0.

Memory lane for me. But after harsh revaluation, I think this is not much more than just nostalgia.

Imo the best standalone sonic title. Concepts, worlds, music, everything here was on point.

Gen 5 is so underrated. They fixed so many crucial things while keeping the journey still enjoyable.

now THIS is a remake. Holy shit I cannot believe this was the quality of Gamefreak back in the days. So much love, so much effort put into a single game.

Mechanics wise, this game was okay. However the whole american urban society setting gets boring really quickly

In my opinion, the best mario kart. The feel in this game, the soul, it was truly the first mario kart that made mario kart a party game on the go

Play the DS version. This is a masterpiece I simply have no words for other than, just go and play it.

This is the result of pure laziness, no inspiration and backstabbing loyal fans to the franchise. This utter garbage has no reason to have sold 18 million copies. But it did. Simply because it says "Pokémon" on the box title, and no other reason.