This is actually Apollo Justice 2. I loved Apollo Justice and this game is really amazing continuing the saga.

Lots of fanservice, very well made. However the story is really really lackluster.

I cannot believe I paid full price for literally the same game but then actually finished. Pokemon sun was unfinished.

Extremely addicting. I spent too many hours into this lmao

I love the hardcore pokemon community. They truly make pokemon worth it.

The best pokemon that exists. only /ourguys/ can make this god-tier game.

Unfinished game and so piss easy. Holy shit the handholding and cringy characters.

My childhood. Not perfect, by a longshot. But coming from gen 3, this game made such a leap forward that I always will hold it dear to my heart.

Gen 5 is really underrated. So much love was put into this by gamefreak and normie fans ruined it.

One of the best game ever made by gamefreak. They put so much effort into these games. I cant believe normies cant see the charm of it.

Gamefreaks laziness ruined this game. So many great things added, but they still fuck up by removing so many other features.

Really good remake of gen 1. Imo only playable version.

Gen 1 sucks and pikachu pandering is even more dogshit

Very underrated. I know this has many flaws. The visuals sucks and people tend to be tilted because of the ending, but I think the ending is perfect.