It's peak, with quality of life features and a new soundtrack and translation that makes it the definitive version to play.


Jak 3 gives a satisfying conclusions to the trilogy. The platforming and the gun play is improved after Jak 2 with some new weapon upgrades and power's that makes the gameplay much more fun. Unfortunately the world even though is expanded still felt empty. The worst thing in the game is by far the desert section and it's a shame it could be one of the best thing If naughty dog didn't put hoards and hoards of cars chasing you all the time without give a time to breath you destroy one or two cars and immediately new ones coming to you with a rumberband ai and pretty sensitive controls the made the dessert exploration pretty tedious and boring after an hour or two.

A returning player after 11 years I played it again. I didn't remembering much from my first playthrough with the exception of the finale but I had positive feelings I like the game then but I loved it today. Its far from perfect Insomniac Museum has some interesting ideas and the cut content make the game far from the perfect game but still to this day is my favorite game in the series. All the PS2 era until 2011 the team released year after year top quality games. Crack in Time was made and gone gold in 9 months and that is impressive the developers really gave there 100% to make this title after years and years of crunch. This game was the turning point Insomniac really learn their lesson after that and sincerely I think the managed to earn the tile of the Best Playstation Studio after so much. I don't support crunch and it's sad that one of my favorite game franchises has so much unfortunately so far is a necessary evil in the industry I hope in the future all the developers stop that. Crack in Time Up your Arsenal and Rift Apart are the best Ratchet and Clank games and I can't tell which one is the best each one is the best game of the each era.

I played this summer on my newly PS5 after a little pressure from a friend at first I didn't want to play due to the his size it's a massive game. When the end of chapter 2 came out i was hooked up until the very end I pulled over 12 hours playing and my final verdict was it was one of the best maybe the best game that came out in the Playstation 4/Xbox One era. The ending made buy day one the port for the First game and I experience them back to back

This game was the first game I ever complete on Playstation 2 no matter how many games I played since then I still longing those days when almost 16 years ago I bought my copy and started explore the beautiful location of Peru. The Remake of the original Tomb Raider is a faithful adaptation of the original game with few innovative technological advances that makes the game more fan. The gameplay is an improvement and the addition of new mechanics at the time like the wall run make the puzzle's more fun. In 2027 this game will be 20 year's old and funny enough the remake will need a remake or a pretty good remaster to be accessible to a newest generation. Still to this day I'm hoping one day I will see an anniversary edition for all the classic playstation era Tomb Raider games. I know it's a dream but it could become if Crystal Dynamic wants to invest the time and resources for them