It's definetly inferior to 1-3 but i don't get why it's so hated. There are many great ideas in this game, more great ideas than much of the silent hill games after this one. But, somehow the gameplay feels more stiff than the other games and the story just doesn't feel very Silent Hill. I have no problem with them doing something different but i can't help but feel this was supposed to be a different game, i wish they could do more things to connect it with the story of the town or do something like Silent Hill 2 and apply it to the personal fears and secrets of the characters. This one feels detached from the main story but unlike Silent Hill 2 it doesn't feel close enough.

It didn't age very well but still it's one of my favourite games ever. The music, atmosphere, character design, and the gameplay (at least at the time) were absolutely groundbreaking. Everything is so cinematic and the world building is absolutely perfect. This whole series deserves a new chance.

I had no business playing this when i was a kid, it's funny how far in the game i went at that time even without finishing it (because i didn't knew how to speak english and was scared shitless), when i was 14/15 i decided to pick it up again and i finally finished it and it felt so different. The fear factor is supposed to be larger because of Nemesis but when you're not a small kid anymore it just doesn't work, the first 2 games can often scare me right now and i'm 24, but this one not so much. I guess because the fear of the big menace is more related to losing progress and frustration than it actually being scary.

Jill has a lot of personality and this is the game that made me obsessed with her when i was a kid, her and Lara Croft were really important to me... maybe because gays love strong women that kill people i have no idea why but i was obsessed.

This was my first Tomb Raider and the reason i became a fan when i was a little kid. I think it's the best of the Core Design games for many reasons, the main one is that it knew what to add to the original formula without feeling like it was doing too much, a problem that would affect the other old games in a weird way, because the gameplay remained the same but they thought that making it painfully dificult meant they were doing enough to innovate. Don't get me wrong TR2 can be really punishing too but it never feels unfair if you know how to control Lara well.

it's sad that i just couldn't connect with this game, i really wanted to like it but it just didn't do it for me, didn't scared me, didn't make me care for any of the characters... it is just a decent experience