I am NOT gonna subject myself to watching the long unskippable cutscene every time I retry the final level. But I had fun.

Genuinely lost a friend to this.

the paywalling was pretty egregious, especially for the time. BUT it was undeniably vibes city

me and another girl at my school got into the social game aspect of it back in the day and we were actually competitive over it. like we were passive aggressive to each other over who had more and rarer clothes, better outfits, etc. I hope the kids playing everskies now are still fighting over the same thing

identical to kira kira pop princess, we're talking pokemon dual release levels of change between these 2 games. if you've played one you don't need to play the other

the DJMax experience:
- the best kpop song you've ever heard
- the best electro house song you've ever heard
- really catchy r&b but the lyrics are clearly written by someone who only knows english as a second language
- edm that turns into a completely different song every 20 seconds
- penis music
- around half of these have the most ill-fitting anime visuals you can possibly think of to go along with them