OK, is great, but its not a 5/5 for me because of the familiar setting, (kinda knew what to expect because of BOTW), it felt a bit toooo big, and also, one of the major mechanics of the game, building stuff, was almost impossible to use in combat. It came up only during traversal, which could have been fun, but you end up using this super advanced feature for the most basic simple answers, where in botw, it was the opposite, where you get to use pretty simple straightforward abilities to do really interesting answers. I

Where most open world games that take place in nature, or based off of real cities have a lot of real world refrence to help them design the world, it just feels like "the real world" but what I really REALLY like about this game is that the open world is super unique and feels like something super fresh and different and one of a kind. one of the most fun cities to just chill in. I also really enjoyed the lighting, getting little texts from romance options, and a lot of the crossover lore between the anime and game were quite interesting. Some of the set-peice main quest missions looked extremely cool visually. Anyways, this review is mostly for myself to remember what I really enjoyed about it.

The writing, VA, and cutscenes are really fun! Mostly playing for the story as it's really enjoyable, plus all the little details that remedy adds are what makes their games better than most. Great soundtrack too. Gameplay is pretty boring. It was never terrible, but never felt particularly exciting. Alan Wake has TERRIBLE stamina too btw