Legendary MMO that first got me into the genre, and also gaming as a whole. Same rating for both OSRS and RS3, they both provide great experiences. I very much love the grindy aspect of games, so having the skills be a very large part of the game gives it great appeal to me.

As buggy as some people claimed this game to be at launch, I could count the bugs I experienced on one hand and none of them actually affected my gameplay experience all that much. Loved it at release, will have to replay after all the stuff they've added, in both the DLC and 2.1 patch.

VN that lacks much substance other than quirky edgy "scare" factor. Can see what the attempt was at the cliche romance feel, but didn't provide me with much enjoyment other than seeing people's reactions to it. If you already know what this is, not worth playing.

"Horror" survival game, blast to mess around with friends in. Story was kinda interesting, but was definitely an afterthought.

Solid game dev tycoon game (as the title says), not too much replayability wise as once you've gone through it once you basically know exactly what to do.

The rage game that blew up the genre. You will get angry.

Fun short 2.5D puzzle game, banger music and cheeky/quirky characters. Love the artstyle of both the in-game graphics and the sprites.

My favourite rage game, beautiful pixel-art style and the maps are well made. Never felt so happy being angry.

Definitely the peak of Monster Hunter to date, love how they've evolved the game from the predecessors. Can't wait for more of an open-worldish style take.


Fun roguelike style survival game, not much more than that in it though.

Solid rage game with the pogo mechanic that definitely got me angry more than a couple times.

Known as one of the most popular farming sim games for a reason, if you haven't played it at all yet what are you doing.

Really wanted to like this game, but it does just feel like a Pokemon knock-off, and a mediocre one at that.

Fun hunting simulation game that I come back to every once in a while. Good replayability with multiplayer, story wasn't interesting at all.

Well-made survival game, definitely the kind that's more fun with a group.