Why do I like videogames? Told through specific examples.


Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
The feeling of inhabiting a world and being immersed:
Sometimes I download RDR2 just to walk around and take in its vistas without a care in the world for any of the mechanics. There's something about it that actually tricks my brain into thinking I'm out in nature, and as an agoraphobic anxious mess that is something I really appreciate. I like games because I like that specific feeling of being immersed in another world.
Marvel's Spider-Man 2
Marvel's Spider-Man 2
Tactility - I enjoy having something in my hands and feeling the responses from it.

I don't actually like SM2 that much as a game but the way it uses the controller for little mini-games and detailed haptic feedback was probably my favourite thing about it. I love tactility and I love feeling as close to the world as possible through little details, whether that be haptic vibrations or minigames that make you squeeze the triggers at different tensions. Or even just the basic action of pressing buttons to make something happen on the screen counts. I just like tactility and it's inherent to videogames as a medium.
Mass Effect Legendary Edition
Mass Effect Legendary Edition
The feeling of being able to interact with loveable characters.

Could've also put RDR2 here but chose ME because I could honestly completely do away with the shooter stuff (it's fine) and just have the whole game be getting to know the various crew members of the Normandy. Character-driven stories are my favourite type of fiction and the way games get even closer to those characters is something I really love about the medium.
Adrenaline from overcoming challenge/fast-paced combat. (Sometimes)

This really depends on my mood but I'd be remiss to not mention this because a lot of my favourite games are ones where I've thrown the controller multiple times. I struggle with emotional regulation, but the heightened feeling of adrenaline I get from intense boss fights that require your full attention is unmatched. Doom Eternal could've also gone here, not for being as challenging as BB but for being incredibly fast-paced and adrenaline-pumping throughout (AND it knows when to slow down so it doesn't get exhausting, which is a big part of why it works for me.)
Stardew Valley
Stardew Valley
Dopamine from positive feedback loops.

Pretty self explanatory. My brain doesn't make enough dopamine. Games are a good way to get some of it. See also: Vampire Survivors or basically any roguelite with metaprogression.
Alan Wake II
Alan Wake II
Music, whether that be scored or diagetic/soundtrack.

Kind of a spoiler for this but music plays such a huge role in both Alan Wake games and that is a big part of why I connected with them. Great music in a game can make or break the atmosphere and if the music isn't interesting to me, it's pretty likely I won't find the game that interesting either.


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