annoyingly difficult and unintuitive

Banjo-Kazooie is a wonderful game and what it does well it does VERY well. The movement feels crisp and rewarding. The levels are varied and unique. The music is amazing and fits each scene. However, the good of this game has already been talked about enough. There are a few MAJOR issues I have with this game.

First, the requirements. For those who don't know, you need 94% of the jiggies and 90% of the 900 notes just in order to beat the game. This is a crazy amount and resulted in me just feeling exhuasted and burned out needing to collect everything just to beat the game. This is made immediately worse with having every note you collect be reset in every world every time you die. BEYOND annoying.

The other big thing is the camera. This is one of the worst cameras i've ever had to control. It gets stuck on EVERYTHING. It will randomly spin around and change on you, often causing you to go off-course and sometimes fall off to your death. There are certain areas where you would just LOVE to be able to change the camera, but the game won't let you! :)

Overall, this is an amazing game to play. However, I'd recommend playing with cheats to have each level unlocked early so you don't need to 90% the game just to beat it.

Amazing Writing
Amazing Art Style
Amazing Characters
Amazing Music
Terrible Gameplay
A unfortunately glitchy mess. I would've rather had just watched a movie of this instead

A beautiful game full of charm and exciting areas to explore and creative enemies to fight with a very satisfying combat system to bring it all together.


This is one of the most "think outside the box" games i have ever played. I have never felt the way i have felt playing this game. It's barely even a game at points, almost mocking you or the idea. It's story is barely even a story, holding on by mere threads. Yet, the ending to this game nearly made me cry. Why? I have no idea. The music in this game is unlike any video game soundtrack i have ever heard. It's dystopian, industrial, grimy; much like the entire message of the game, or at least the message i came away with. This game is a masterpiece, from beginning to end.

Classic for a reason. No metroidvania matches what Super Metroid was able to achieve