17 reviews liked by ponyoponyo

The world building and narrative is fun and different, I believe the mainline Mario games have a lot to learn about it. Unfortunately, I never managed to enjoy the turn-base combat system and the more I played, the more tiresome and complicated battling became. After Chapter 6, I had to quit and watch the rest on Youtube.

I still think about her, but my wallet is probably better for this

I love how they managed to create such an interactive and quirky environment, where every pokemon serves their own role. When you think you already saw it all, you soon learn something new. Tbh, this game is more about being a part of Pokemon universe than any mainline games. I really need to get myself New Pokemon Snap asap.

-0.5 stars because there was no paras :(

SCPT is a short mini game collection with an absurd plot and silly characters keeping it all together. Every detail in it has been designed with such care. It might be one of the funniest game ever made, greatly parodizing things like media, television, worklife and other timely topics, still staying tasteful till the end. I could praise it even more, but let's leave rest of it to a surprise.

(Also, it's theoritically created by one person, which is always admirable. I wanna be like him)

Lego Batman defined my childhood. Only downside is that all my first crushes were lego bricks.

I'm not even lying but this game is so good that after I finished it I've made 4 other people play it just so I could selfishly relive every moment again. And again. And again. And again. I have already found my next victim.

i probably wouldn't have played this if this didn't come with a zine i bought but i'm glad it did! i wish going to work was actually like this (i say as someone who hasn't worked a day in his life)

love me a game where i can have a t4t relationship with a fly (oh and also i may be gay but it cannot be denied that xaea is a milf)

i haven't played many dating sims in my life but after this i don't even want let alone need anything else because this is the perfect one. each star i'm giving this game i'm giving genuinely and from the bottom of my heart. this game delighted me more than i ever even thought possible. <3