Lazy villagers my beloved I will save you from Isabelle's tyranny

I personally felt this to be a downgrade from the first game. This sequel gives the Permen the ability to fly (something missing from the first game), adds some isometric-view levels, and (thankfully) gets rid of those board game boss battles. Unfortunately, there isn't a lot of challenge to offer in this game. Once you've maxed out your weapon, taking out enemies and even bosses is a piece of cake. There's also a lot of opportunities to get health refills - in fact, this game is far too generous in that regard. The lower difficulty is likely because the game (like the franchise) is aimed at young children, so the game may be more their speed.

A fun, leisurely platformer based on the Fujiko F. Fujio manga/anime of the same name. The board game "boss battles", on the other hand, can get annoying, especially if you're unlucky enough to lose turns.

I've always felt this game stuck out like a sore thumb, even for a series where every game in it is radically different from one another. There's a reason for this - it's a reskin of a game based on an anime adaptation of a Japanese shojo manga.

Believe it or not, the anime itself has some pretty crazy plots (Anmitsu goes to space in one episode, there's several episodes where she goes around the world), so why they went with something mundane like Anmitsu going to a bakery of all places is beyond me.

This platformer based off the Fujiko Fujio manga and anime has some cool ideas (inventions, walking on ceilings, follower characters), but none are really utilized fully. The follower mechanic is more of a hindrance than anything, as it's way too easy for Korosuke to fall into a pit, costing Kiteretsu valuable health points.

This is a great game no matter which platform you play it on. The Hades Armor glitch does make the last stretch of the game easier than the TG-16 version (which patched this issue).