Played this first and lol that 4th ending got me XD
Made me go, 'Wth?!'

Played this 2nd. I'm really interested in seeing more from this indie artist.
The art has improved. Bit bummed that it's black and white but I really like how it pops the few colors like his eye, etc. and made the atmosphere look intense.

Currently playing this.
Bit of a backlog but a great, relaxing chill game <3

This was cute! As someone who loves stickers and cute things in general this is a cute idea.
Very short game.

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I really like the pixel style.
Really love how there's multiple endings and how a couple were pretty reasonable and sound options.
I also like certain details a lot - like how she started spiraling after stabbing him and little details like that - made me feel the developer and storyteller paid attention to the character's mentality and gave more character to them.

Really love this.
Love the story, the plot (I kinda guessed what the hush-hush was tbh), the characters, the atmosphere and even the music!
I do admit, there were some parts of the game which just made me jump and startle but it wasn't too bad.

Loved it!
First VN which I really liked and played through without getting sick or tired of it. <3
Not my type to replay it

One of my all time favs. I love 2B (or 2-Bae, amirite, folks?)
I can't seem to uninstall it coz I wanna play it more... wish I could play it from the first.
I do admit, I did spoil myself quite a bit about certain bits from online so I wasn't too surprised about some stuff... but I wish I hadn't...

I didn't spoil myself with NieR so hopefully I'll be able to play that with loads of surprises <3 ^w^

Wonderful! Love the story and the endings.
I also love the color palette - soft, mute and not too harsh on the eyes <3 Gorgeous and aesthetic.

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This is a beautiful game and story. <33
I swear thou, when I first played through, I thought my lappie got a virus with flowey's boss battle part! Nearly made my heart drop! 0_o

They've hit spot on with a child's mind and imagination. It is beautiful and made me reminisce of when I was a kid with a wild imagination =)
I adore Chris and feel like he must be PROTECC. AT. ALL. COST!

This is a very interesting 'game'...
I liked reading other's memories and keeping one of my own for other's to read.

The vibe and atmosphere from the shop is quaint and relaxing. Plus love the cat as well. <3

Enjoyed this. One of the first spoopy game I've played and I loved every moment of it.

Played this when I was in my early teens.
One of the first games I was introduced to and I remember getting struck a lot as it had some puzzle elements to it.
I hope to do a replay and try and get the ending in the future.

One of my fav games as a young teen!
Really loved the story and the gameplay for what it was back then. The puzzles and combat were solid.