for while it lasts this is a really fun platformer that gets a lot out of its central gimmick and never really stops being that. it really doesn't last long enough, but it's all killer for that very short amount of time

personally never understood why this one was so divisive beyond the obvious crowd that didn't like that it was a new cast. the cases are very strong, the new cast is great, and the music as always is fantastic.

also i really like ema in this, like a lot. casting her as a grouchy failed forensics applicant who ended up stuck as a detective and clearly doesn't wanna be there was so smart.

there's some really stupid moments in this game still but i love the way everything ties together in the end and i think it fleshes out edgeworth's character in a really cool way. really solid overall

there's a lot to say about this

combat is great and there's really cool parts of a story in there but it feels like they tried way too many things that just don't work too well and the game feels aimless and bloated because of it

still cool overall but it's a bit of a mess

this is objectively terrible but i will forever be amazed that they went to the effort to do as close to a faithful remake of the ps1 game as possible over to the gba. sure, it's a terrible way to play the game, but it's the actual game

i think they got enough right here that a second attempt could be pretty solid but i really did not enjoy this overall. level design goes to shit pretty fast with some really annoying level gimmicks and mediocre to terrible boss fights

the fantasy zone section near the end was cute tho

every day we fall further and further from the lord's grace

some bugbears remain still (these games would be improved significantly if you just cut guns from them entirely) but this is otherwise such a glowup from the first 3 games it's not even funny. kinda wish tanimura showed up in later games even though i know his actor didn't wanna return cause his playstyle is easily my favorite of the new guys

there's a steep learning curve here and a good helping of jank but i think if you can get to grips with its systems this is a really satisfying platformer with a lot of charm

replaying this definitely brought my opinion of it down by a chunk but i still think it's alright, just doesn't quite fire the same neurons the others do and it comes off like some cases were written without a solution in mind

story's nothing special but holy FUCK is absolutely everything else knocking it out of the park. gorgeous game with fantastic combat, fun as hell boss fights and an excellent soundtrack. just really damn good all around

i think the first game is still a little more memorable but this is overall an excellent way to end the trilogy and is pretty consistently strong throughout