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Rayeh reviewed Valkyria Chronicles 4: Complete Edition
Other than episodes 14 and 17-1 having some really frustrating aspects to them, the game was amazing from begining to end, really fun and believable characters and a story with some nuance to it, managed to make me emotional a few times.

1 day ago

Rayeh reviewed Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest
Conquest is really solid! Only thing i dislike heavily is the ammoutn of counter damage some enemies randomly have as a trait where if you hit them from melee/range they just do the full damage back. There is no rhyme or reason to it, some random enemies just have this and you just die for not checking every single enemy's traits, it kinda sucks

2 days ago

2 days ago

Rayeh reviewed V Rising
Game is fun but without putting server modifiers the grind is a LOT and you randomly cannot TP with some items and have to run the entire map back also dracula is overtuned as fuck and have a bazillion hp

12 days ago

Rayeh completed V Rising

12 days ago

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