5 reviews liked by rKool

There's no way this could have been as tight as the original, because the story is much wider, with more sweep, but it's as effective and character-driven—if you ignore one aspect I'll get to in a minute. When I played it, I immediately understood what was happening about an hour or two in and I buckled up, curious to see how they'd play this all out. I think the story is good, even if there are some interesting choices in it that I disagree with. There's a lot of experimental storytelling here, too, and not all of it lands, though I'm happy it's there. But...(And here I sigh)....

But: I was oddly uncomfortable playing TLOU2, and it wasn't until someone mentions a cult leader whose followers, in being violent, strayed off the leader's teachings that it clicked into place. Which is to say that it dawned on me that the game's politics were that of a "liberal Zionist" that made me close my eyes in embarrassment, and lo and behold, the head writer grew-up on an illegal settlement on Palestinian land. Suddenly the appearance of the Apartheid Wall didn't seem like such a coincidence, and the story suddenly had real-life analogues. Which is to say that it rendered the cyclical nature of its theme void. I don't seem to be the only person to have made these connections. (Although I think it's more inspired by Palestine-Israel, not a direct analogy, but god was it hard to not groan out loud when the Seraphite/WLF split suddenly started reading like a Hamas/Fateh analogy.)

I'm curious to see if Craig Mazin addresses some narrative choices in season 2 of the show. TLOU2 is relentless, which is both good and bad. I wish, though, that it had given its characters more of a chance to love. And that the writer examines his...politics. Maybe we can do a Haganah/Irgun/Lehi split for part 3, eh?

Great gameplay and all, too.

A moral complex video game testing your brain on not only your empathy level but also showing different perspectives on broken individuals. Forgiveness and acceptance is a big part of life and I feel like this game incapacitated that beautifully

this game is so depressing man... i see it has a pretty good rating on here but feel like its still overhated. its easily in my top 5, the gameplay is amazing the graphics are amazing and most importantly the story is amazing.

misundrestood masterpiece amazing writing and best story i have ever seen in gaming played it almost 3 years ago and its still on my mind on a weekly basis (not satire) people dont even know why they hate this game its easily the most emotionally draining game i have ever played (in a good way) like these people actually feel real