I just sat down to check this game out and only managed to stop myself after 5 hours jesus christ this game is so addictive and I have NO IDEA WHY WTF IS GOING ON MAN.

What I'm trying to say is, it's got a pretty strong gameplay loop. It would get a much higher score if it wasn't so makeshift and archaic with it's UI, micro frame-drops/stutters or whatever you wanna call it, unchecked spelling errors in slimepedia entries and emails; and the lack of a proper tutorial.

So hopefully they addressed most, if not, at least some of these issues in the sequel. Although I have a feeling I got a lot more grinding to do to finish this before I can get to that lol

Very fun game to play with friends... probably. (Daxxurus pls come back)

Has a very cool art style and presentation overall however the gameplay lacks in depth and it often feels like it's just another FPS where the person with more shooter game practice wins it all. Even when the matchmaking is fair in terms of skill, it comes down to who has better RNG since some cards are clearly way better than others.

I can do with a lack of tutorial but at least make the "tutorial" slides a pop-up when a new player first boots up the game. I didn't see them until I already played 3 matches.

Overall even though I would recommend this game to play with people that you know for short while, I cannot give you any advice on how you can convince them to buy it (or even buy it yourself for that matter, I played it on a free weekend after all(Okay it's actually not bad for £4 or so when it's on sale, but not worth the full price of £9))

Also the devs giving a big middle finger to P2W games of this nature has not gone unappreciated :)

Best co-op hoard shooter I ever played and still am playing. Yes it's better than L4D or Vermintide.

You're never alone...

One of the best. Don't have much to say about it really it's just amazing and you should probably try it out. It's also definitely not as hard as most people make it out to be

First and foremost, don't listen to anyone saying controller is a better input form for this, aiming with the mouse is much easier and way more useful.

With that out of the way:

One of the best roguelikes out there. After all these hours I still encounter new interactions, items and weapons whenever I launch it. Granted, some of the achievements are based way too much on RNG and are a bit bullshit but that's for completionist masochists such as myself to worry about.


With how many hours I have on this silly pixelated indie roguelike that TOTALLY DOESNT CONTAIN MANMADE HORRORS BEYOND MY COMPREHENSION you would think I'd have at least gotten the main/most basic ending by now wouldn't you... And I know for a fact it goes much MUCH deeper than what I have seen so far

Naaaaaaaaaaaah. This game is ball-bustingly hard and even though you die to the most bullshit things there's always an explanation to it and it's almost always a "skill issue"(both ironically and unironically).

Still a better wizard game than Hogwarts "another soulles open world cashgrab exploting a popular title/brand" Legacy

Funny, cute, creative and silly. Very successful at what it was aiming to achieve but that's not much to begin with. It's alright if you wanna unwind after something more stressful I suppose

Quite boring. It was cool in the first few hours when it was introducing new weapons and combat mechanics but after that it's a really repetitive combat cycle that is unfulfilling even when you are victorious because you don't understand what the actual fuck you or your enemies did.

I kept playing as much as I did because I thought the level or enemy design would improve as the game goes on but every video I've seen talking about it assures me that is not the case.

And the simple gameplay loop isn't fun enough to keep you engaged for long hours unless you were already creaming your pants every time you see a mecha.

Maybe I'll pick it up again later at some point but I doubt it.

The widely misunderstood masterpiece

Great war plot that is not even underlyingly making political statements and the American side is actually shown to be a piece of shit for once?! (I'm looking at you CoD)
Subtle choices that alter your experience that aren't presented to you much like a choice but that's exactly the beauty of it. With great twists and turns, if I was rating this game only out of it's story it would get a 4/5.

The gameplay however, is another "story". TLDR, it sucks ass. Majorly. The controls feel awful, sensitivity level on PC by default is fucked and if you want to lower it to a reasonable amount you need to decrypt, edit, re-encrypt and save a game file. If you decide to mess with ur settings again to say lower the volume or change a keybind, too bad buckeroo now you have to do that all over again. Half the guns are inaccurate even when standing still and behind a cover. Shotguns and SMGs are pretty much useless but at least they bring gameplay variety. FUBAR difficulty has clearly not been play-tested past like the first 3 levels even though they made it an ACHIEVEMENT to finish the game in that difficulty. Wtf not even the devs themselves done that shit so why add it as an achievement why why whyyyyyyyyyy!!?!?!? (which made getting a 100% on this game a pain in the ass)

And for the love of everything that is holy, who thought it was a good idea TO MAKE THE SPRINT, COVER AND INTERACT KEYS THE EXACT SAME BUTTON AND MAKE IT SPACE BAR BY DEFAULT what the actual fuck man has nobody playtested this shit on PC?