+Beautiful and varied locations
+Fun concept with the "censored" story that you need to hack through, and I enjoyed the story overall.
+Despite not being the most interesting character, I really like the representation that Aveline brings.
+A small game that doesn't have one million side things. There are collectibles and side missions, but they felt more optional than the other games, which I find refreshing
+Persona system is interesting, even though it isn't implemented in the best way.

-No fast travel within locations. Even though both New Orleans and the bayou are fairly small, it would have helped the game flow at bit better at times.
-Some (a lot of?) people will find the "smallness" I mentioned as being refreshing to be a deterrent.

Overall I was pleasantly surprised by this one. I have barely heard anything about it, and while I hesitate to call it a hidden gem, it is definitely a hidden... piece of precious metal? Yeah.

+Mostly interesting story and characters
+Good writing and lore
+Good environmental visuals, game is at times pretty

-Story is at times too high concept and hard to follow
-Character stories occasionally end anticlimactically
-Lore is often dumped on you in a hard to parse way
-Music is repetitive and the main combat theme gives me trauma and makes me shake and shit myself

- -The combat system is... not good. I may be spoiled from other CRPG:s with turnbased combat, or the Pathfinder games where you are allowed to choose, but in a lot of cases fights are way too chaotic which means you either end up not using each companions full potential or pausing every three seconds to look over your options. This especially becomes a problem with priests and druids, who always have access to a wide range of spells.

Despite some classes "large" amount of spells, the character building simultaneously feels... insufficient. It could be because I played a monk, but most levelups felt fairly insubstantial for my party's power. This coupled with the relatively few levelups (I may have rushed through a bit, but I finished the game at level 9) made it feel like I wasn't really getting stronger as I progressed.

There is a lot of good here, but the meh and frequent combat made me really tired of this game by the halfway mark.

+Great open world
+Most accessible, and overall best iteration of a souls game yet
+Lots of cool spells and weapons

-Reused bosses in side dungeons, and overall a lack of variety in these dungeons.
-The snow area was kinda... boring?
-Godskin duo.

Overall an incredible game that I will play a lot more of. I feel like I can't capture everything in words, but this one is definitely worth a play.

+Great melee combat
+Beautiful world that is enjoyable to travel and has lots of little touches
+Overall great attention to detail, and historical accuracy is top notch if that's something that jingles your bells
+Story is well presented with mostly good voice acting and great pre-rendered cutscenes

-Quests are often mundane and annoying. This is mostly a problem with sidequests, but sometimes the main story requires you to do one or more of these side quests.
-The story is badly paced and ends very abruptly. The main story isn't ended in a satisfying way at all, and it seems like it will be resolved in a sequel.
-The game overall has a slow pace that isn't for everyone, and can start to grate even on someone patient at times.
-Very long loading screens. Area transitions, cutscenes and even resting put me in a loading screen for up to a minute, and SSD didn't seem to help at all.

+Frontier is beautiful, hunting is vibe
+Naval combat is fun, mostly gets points for setting the stage for Black flag
+Connor is a decent protagonist who gets more hate than he deserves
+"Haytham is a templar"-twist was less obvious than I remembered and well done (Keep in mind I don't know the historical characters that well, they might be clues)
+Homestead is by far the best iteration of "villa management" in the series
+DLC is fun, even if it feels a bit fillery at times. I wish the AC games let you play with magical powers more!

-TERRIBLE remaster that looks worse than the original in many places (google comparisons and pirate the game if you can't find a legit copy)
-Lots of minor jank in stuff like controls and UI
-The two cities feel fairly similar to each other
-Tunnel segments, while fun in concept, outstay their welcome
-Story felt weirdly paced, and felt both too long and too short at different times.
-Modern day segments are awful gameplay wise

Overall a decent entry in the series that falls short of the best games. I have a lot of nostalgia for this one as it was my first entry in the series, and it both does and doesn't hold up today.

+Decent presentation
+Quick flow and tempo
-However, the game is very repetitive and simplistic.

Unfortunately a waste of time, and I don't see how they can fix this game without completely revamping the it, since the core concept is too simple to be enjoyable. There are way better mobile games in every aspect this attempts to tackle.

Also ads everywhere lol

+Closest thing to a proper roguelike on ios
+Decent character options
-Repetitive, uninteresting floors
-Oldschool and unforgiving in all the wrong ways

This review contains spoilers

Mostly decent, although it has a bit too much backtracking and map reuse, along with way too much combat with immersion breaking second and third waves of enemies teleporting in.

--- kinda spoilers but please read before playing---
The game is just not made for it, and trying to be a mage rights activist will leave you dissapointed and betrayed over and over. What is the point of advocating for your fellow mages when 95% of the ones you meet are evil child sacrificing demonfucking blood mages? Every time I went to save a group of mages from the templars they just summoned demons and I had to kill everyone. I get that they're trying to tell a nuanced story but it is so hard to sympathize with people who constantly prove the templars right. Rant over :D

--Edit, some more spoilers for Inquisition--
Soo apparently the default world state in inquisition is actually that Hawke was a mage and supported the mages (like in my frustrating playthrough), which makes it even more baffling how bad playing that side is. Maybe my views of blood magic and demon summoning in this universe are too harsh? But like why did they make 90% of the mages you try to help attack you, that makes med not want to sympathise with them blood magic or no. Idk shits wack

capitalism really popped off today

Interesting world and premise with some truly epic moments, but the bits inbetween aren't always too exciting and it feels like the game drags on at times. Then it feels like it ends right when it starts to get interesting. Gameplay is decent but I'm a much bigger fan of turnbased combat.

This review contains spoilers

like others have said, the game is slightly janky but the only major issue I had was that jumping up on objects was very inconsistent. However, the vibes and environmental storytelling is what we're here for, and the game has that in spades.

The only thing i felt was missing content-wise was for the objectives to have more... plot relevance? I get that the photo objectives being trivial is an intentional choice, but when the last level has you photographing two skateboards while the end of the world is going on in the background, it feels like I'm participating in a joke I don't understand.

Overall i played one or two levels here and there and was very happy with the game for the price i paid (bit over 1€).

Edit a couple days after finishing: The way the game stays in my head is something special. Not the gameplay mind you, or even much the worldbuilding. However, the themes, as put together very well by Jacob Geller, Superbunnyhop and Errant Signal (the youtubers i follow who have covered the game) really stick with and inspire me.

Fairly fun initially but I've played very few games where the joy of discovering new stuff wears off so fast. I played for 4 hours over a couple days, i could probably have done half of that and been equally satisfied. It really feels like the bare minimum was done, and if you don't already have Fortnite installed (I didn't) it isn't worth downloading to try LEGO.

I recognize this is a good CRPG, it just never clicked with me.

Terrible writing and voice acting, boring quests, unsatisfying character progression. The combat is the only thing I could see someone finding enjoyment in, and I didn't.