This has to be one of the most frustrating Sonic games I have ever played. From the unfair placement of bottomless pits in almost every level, to the massive difficulty spike in Sky Canyon Zone onwards, to the shitty autoscrolling bosses that just drag the game down even further, I cannot stand this game, and have no desire to return to it ever again.

It also doesn't help that this game has nothing that makes it stand apart from Sonic Advance 1.

This game is honestly peak 2-D Sonic, and nothing you say will change my mind.

It's a fine game. Not as bad as a lot of people say it is, but the frustrating rubber band mechanics, boring as hell level design, and overabundance of levels that stretch out the playtime kind of ruin a good chunk of what could've been a pretty good game.

Chaotix does have a really strong, unique art style and OST that carries the whole game and actually makes me want to return to it at sometime in the future.

One of the best game ever made. Never once have I played a game that made me cry as much as this one did.

Mother 3 was super linear compared to Earthbound though, if I had to have one complaint.

It was fine, but outside of the tiny random missions you can do, there isn't really a whole lot other than the story, which is the best part about it.

Even to this day, Watchdogs 2 has one of the best open worlds I've seen. The NPC's feel so alive, and there's so many things to explore, see, and do. The hacking is the best in the series with pretty much everything in the game being hackable in some way.

The only things I didn't like in this game was the gunplay, which felt like crap, the aiming and handling on some of the weapons was awful. The story was also pretty cheesy at times with some of the villains and side characters being really unbearable.

Really great NES Rpg. Also the most slept on Mother game. It's a bit frustrating at times, but if you haven't played it yet, it's at least worth a try. It's got a lot of cool sci-fi elements the other 2 Mother games don't delve into as much. Also has one of the best soundtracks on the NES as well.

The most immersive game I've played.
The story was absolutely the best part about it, but it takes a while to get rolling imo.
The game can be really slow at times to the point where I can't stand to play it if I don't have the patience.

For my first souls game I got into, it was really addictive for a while. After the initial excitement wore off though, I dropped it because the load times on ps4 were way too long for the amount of times I would die after I got teleported like halfway across the map. I may come back to it one day, it was a really awesome game from what I played of it, but I can't stand the ps4 load times.

It was less interesting than Human Conditions DLC. It had a set of missions to do. Couldn't give a crap about the online content though.

The missions were kinda short, but it was nice seeing an old character again, and some of the missions were creative (somewhat) at least.

Played it when it came out. Loved the story and the city design. Everything else meh to me. The clothing system was odd to say the least. The ripperdock crap was too expensive. None of the side missions were too interesting. The open world (other than the architecture and the design of the open world) was bleh.
Good game, but not really one I want to come back to.