5 reviews liked by ratgirl_deluxe

A fantastically brutalist game, not in the sense of having angular concrete buildings but in the original sense of showcasing the raw materials with which it's constructed. Automaton Lung wants you to be hyper-aware at every instant that it is a video game, that the world you are seeing is virtual, that the actions you take follow the "explore and collect" script at the heart of so much of the medium.

It doesn't take on the self-defeating preachy tone of some games which seem to say "how dare you engage in such a pursuit." It's no simplistic morality tale. It just wants to revel in what it is, and it wants you to join in as well. All it asks of the player is "see me for what I am."

Everything in the game shows off the materiality of its creation. The icons on the touch screen show off their individual pixels (well larger than anything another game might call a "pixel art style") like a peacock spreading its feathers. The platforming puzzles ask you to familiarize yourself with the fine details of how your model interacts with the models around you. The cramped level geometries clip the camera briefly out of bounds and show the skeleton of the world you're traversing.

Even the total lack of introductory explanation emphasizes the clear truth: you already know what the game wants of you simply because it is a game. You see a colorful cube sending smaller yellow cubes your way, and you know that an enemy is shooting you and you must shoot back or die. You see a small spinning square floating in space, and you know you must touch it to obtain it for some future reward. You find yourself within an architecture and so you must chart its rooms and hallways.

If digital brutalism is its underlying motivator, the architecture of the world is the great triumph of Automaton Lung's moment-to-moment experience. Every area you visit creates its own sense of space with its own distinct mood. They are "levels" in several senses, but they're also rooms and buildings and monuments and cathedrals through which the game guides the player.

The deeper you get in, the clearer it becomes that the chips aren't only collectables, but wordless signposts. Not just "good job", but "check out this view." "Walk through this passage." "You can get here, I promise, and it will be worth it." The raw material of gameplay is turned inward to compel the player to experience the raw material of gamespace. The architecture of the design is as beautiful as the architecture of the world.

this game is like if danganronpa and persona 4 had a kid together and you know at first youre kinda skeptical cause one of thems pretty chill but the other is kinda weird as fuck so you wonder how that will affect a child between the 2 and the kid looks kinda strange at first but once you spend time with them and start talking with them youre surprised to find theyre actually pretty cool but then one day the parents decide to split up so one of them wins custody over the kid meaning the other doesnt get to spend as much time with them as before but they still try their best to see them as much as their ex will allow and at first its going great cause they get to have them for days at a time but as time goes on the amount of time theyre allowed to see the kid starts to get shortened days become hours and at some points minutes before theyre ripped away from them and told to wait until next time so after a while naturally the parent decides to confront their ex about it cause this doesnt seem fair and the ex opens the door and after theyve finished exclaiming about how unfair it is to just dramatically decrease the amount of time they get to see their kid and that they deserve at least consistent time windows the ex coldly says "well if you want to see them so badly you can just pay me $10 and see them right now instead of waiting" and the parent is shocked and thinks to themselves this is insane but the waits start to get more painful because of how invested theyve become and they think to themselves every night you know maybe it would just be easier to pay up however this cycle continues until its the kids graduation day and they are finally leaving home forever and the parent is so proud and happy to have been there to witness the childs progress even if they feel partly scammed and then they get to the doors but are kicked out by none other than their ex and told that they can only continue if they pay $100 and at this point the parent finally realises that you know what i have been there pretty much all of the way through this journey who really cares about a graduation ceremony i can already imagine whats going to happen anyway and you know what its probably already being streamed on youtube let me just go home and watch that instead of being tricked into giving more money to someone who owes me nothing for something that on second thought i actually dont care that much about

No va de pegging?????????


im not very good at this game which is weird bc im very good at galaga

1 list liked by ratgirl_deluxe