feels like the writers are actively working against the game. Every time I had fun with the game, I felt like it was despite the story and characters, not because of them. I’m sick of fucking condescending quirky dialogue filling AAA games now, it’s like watching the flanderization of an entire medium in real time. Just let me have fun with your god killing game! You can still be really fucking serious ™️ and sad ™️ in your story but at least fucking try to make your themes come together in a coherent way. The entire final act of this game hits with no impact at all, it all feels incredibly hollow. At least the combat is fun.

Reviewed on Nov 19, 2022


1 year ago

my man, you mustve missed a lot of crucial stuff™️. a soy like me cried by the end, which wouldn't be possible if the story was "incredibly hollow".

1 year ago

I don’t think I missed anything, I think I just really despise the game’s writing and modern studio game writing in general.

1 year ago

Lol. The final act comes together perfectly with a ton of impact. There's a couple of MCU-esque lines of dialogue in the game, but they come pretty early and don't really have any impact on the story by the end.

1 year ago

idk the ending of this is the dumbest mickey mouse shit I have had to sit through recently. Felt like a bad star wars sequel or something. Anthony Burch is a blight on game writing. Man took one look at GoW and devised the most brain dead take on the series, rehashing ideas that have been done way better in a million different mediums for hundreds of years now. I also haven’t heard a single convincing argument in favor of this game yet (especially the writing, which seems to be most people’s favorite part?).

1 year ago

also didn’t touch on this in the review but the directing in this is also horrendous. Every actor is doing a terrible job. Sunny sounds bored and uninterested most of the time, Richard Schiff is woefully miscast as Odin, and Christopher Judge is really trying though clearly isn’t getting any help behind the scenes. Sure the cutscenes are well shot but what does that matter when I would prefer to play the game on mute?