While the tone isn't nearly as dark or gritty as the earlier entries, the gameplay is absolutely top-notch, and for a series like Gears, that to me, is the selling point. The story isn't that bad either, though the writing could've been better. Also have to mention that it's a gorgeous game.

Incredible combat, compelling story, great visuals, and the tone of the game just works so well. A certifiable masterpiece.

Honestly a lot of fun; a compelling more touchy feely Kratos works quite well in tandem with his arrogant kid. The combat and enemies are really well done. The Leviathan Axe is one of the most balanced weapons in gaming I feel.

Absolutely brilliant game. It's easy to see why this was such a global phenomenon; the cast of characters, the story beats, the gameplay, the music, the pacing, all just made this an experience worth having. Absolute banger. The quickest 120 hours of my life.

An excellent sequel to a great game; who would've thought Game Freak would be able to pull this off.

Arguably the best generation; great story, mature themes (relative to Pokemon of course), and great new Pokemon. The map was also designed well. I think we all look back at generation 5 and miss it. IMO the last truly great generation of Pokemon.

Honestly? The combat carries the game. In fact, I would say the combat alone is worth it. The story is a bit too convoluted for its own good; the pacing is also somewhat inconsistent. The enemy designs and the bosses are just as the combat is : phenomenal. The characters are very stereotypical of games like these; while not shallow, don't expect them to be profound either. The camera needs a bit of tweaking in the settings too, that's alright. But yeah, the combat goes hard in this game.

An excellent time overall; the gun-play is great, the guns feels good, the stealth is significantly better than a lot of other games, enemy AI is actually decent, and the overall graphical fidelity is rather nice as a whole package. Visually, I'd put it right up there with some of the best games out there as well. The crafting and upgrade system is also well-thought.

There is one complaint I do have though, and it's that the platforming elements range from okay, to janky, to outright irritating. You'll have to get used to falling off ledges, or just jumping to your death more often than you'd like. There were these frustrating times where I'd survive and push through a hoard of enemies (hard mode), only to reach a platforming section, and die more than I died to enemy hoards. The game is eerily similar to the Uncharted series in that respect. It wasn't enough for me to have rage-quit at any time BUT I will definitely dock points for it.

Overall, I'd give this a solid recommend for most gamers out there. 4/5

This game is the epitome of the expression "ages like fine wine". Even today, the combat is hands down one of the best in all of gaming. Its visuals hold up really well, level design is brilliant, boss fights are unique, voice acting is top-notch, and the OST is exceptional in setting the tone. The controls during stealth are somewhat janky at times, but that doesn't really take away from the package as whole.