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1 day ago

Blah_Blee completed Skies of Arcadia
As far as graphics, animations and cutscenes go, Overworks upped the ante with Skies of Arcadia, a steampunk JRPG with turn-based systems for both land and flight battles. Half of the appeal - however, lies in its unusual place in history (thanks mainly to its platform, caught between 5th-gen values and the budding 6th generation), allowing a glimpse into future standards enabled by advancing tech. If they weren't the first (Quest 64 and Panzer Dragoon Saga are potential sources), they could still receive credit for bridging that era with the modern third-person style of JRPG (which gradually replaced the overhead/static camera of its past), an approach that also downplayed vague progression (the old method to pad out playthroughs) in favor of lengthy jogs down pathways. This turned out to be important in setting a new (dubious) template for the next generation. Winding and distinctive towns clash with its massive, airship-navigated void and some of the least imaginative dungeons ever, but a greater case of mixed results is found in their systems & mechanics. On one hand, its arena combat - that feels like a 3D mix of Chrono Trigger (reliance on AoE skills) and Star Ocean (movement half-determined by targeting) minus the ATB flow, at least features a party-wide SP gauge for both magic and supers (with bosses that lead to careful meter management and planning), whereas their dogfights utilize the same tools in a slower, more linear format. On the other hand, its spell-learning (by way of elemental weapon augments) recreates FFVI's espers via FFVII's materia, while the rest (collectibles, Suikoden-esque recruitment, world map secrets, optional bosses, etc.) amounts to a checklist of filler.

But above all else, it's the presentation that triumphs: The prevailing sense of scale, the vibrant animations, the cinematic nuances, the stunning landscapes (or more appropriately - skyscapes), and the expressive character models embody the state-of-the-art of its genre & times, if only in visuals. And as it proceeds, the journey is enriched by the chemistry and moving speeches of its party members, whose relentless optimism harks back to the original spirit of console-RPGs. For better and for worse, this work represents a further step in production quality previously set by the likes of Xenogears, Chrono Cross, Final Fantasy IX and The Legend of Dragoon.

1 day ago

Screwy reviewed Blue Stinger
Played the US version in particular, might replay it through the JP/fixed-camera version someday.

Fascinating game. I like a lot about it in spite of its obscene amounts of jank (especially with the garbage US "Follow" camera). There's just something about it that I find immensely appealing, kinda tied with Sonic Adventure as "the most Dreamcast game ever made" for me. Special mention goes out to the soundtrack, it's honestly really ambitious. Also Dogs Bower is an absolute gem.

All that being said the final stretch is abysmal dogshit, the penultimate "hold the fort" section can suck my nuts through a straw. However, the ending makes up for it a little bit, fucking bonkers. Pissed this didn't get the Xbox Director's Cut that was planned out for it or a sequel, they really could have improved a lot.

1 day ago

1 day ago

Screwy completed Blue Stinger

1 day ago

Screwy completed D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die - Season 1
Honestly I wasn't even going to rate this one because of how hard it hits a brick wall, but I do think what's here is pretty special.

If it goes on sale for cheap and you're curious to see what could've been (and never will), give it a shot. It's one of the best executions of the modern Telltale Games format, and the charm on display here is unreal.

1 day ago

Screwy reviewed Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Actually one of the best-told stories in the medium, it's insane.

I replayed it as a Christmas stream a while back and was intentionally waiting to play it through the remaster when I get the itch again. Will give a separate review then with more detailed thoughts.

1 day ago

Screwy reviewed Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin
Co-oped it and it was a funny romp.

There's a lot of great ideas here but it kinda feels like it's a 50+ hour JRPG plot hypercondensed into 12-15hrs, as a lot of big plot beats are unceremoniously dropped on your lap. Gameplay's fun but the co-op balancing is stupid, me and my friend kinda lawnmowed through almost everything save for two bosses.

I'm hoping they get another shot at this sort of formula but man I hope they're better with their plot pacing next time.

1 day ago

1 day ago

MrGreM finished Sonic Colors

1 day ago

MetalWavez completed Signalis

1 day ago

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