divertido, mas não o tinha jogado todo de uma vez se não estivesse em chamada no discord

visualmente e auditivamente fixe, mas a gameplay é só okay

o meu jogo de cartas favorito, de longe, adoro o path of champions
ah e o lore

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Decidi ir à platina, já que só me faltavam 3 ou 4 troféus. Incrível como ainda estou a descobrir coisas sobre este jogo, uma verdadeira pérola. Desta vez explorei mais os Chalice Dungeons e, apesar de ter usado False Depths para obter certos Ritual Materials e ir direto à Yharnam, gosto mais deles agora, e é engraçado jogá-los depois de ter jogado Elden Ring e ver o protótipo das cavernas do último.

Continua a ser um dos meus jogos favoritos de sempre, os riscos tomados valeram a pena, apesar das suas falhas (ter que farmar Blood Vials, não poder descansar nas lanternas, etc.).

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Marquei como completo, mas na verdade falta-me a bandeira do último nível, mas não sei se me quero submeter às molas e à invisibilidade de novo...

Os trailers não me inspiraram muita confiança, mas gostei do jogo mais do que estava à espera.

De forma geral gostei dos badges e powerups novos, mas passei a grande maioria do jogo com os mesmos (elefante, fogo e salto espiral).

P.S.: Encontrei esta nota no meu caderno
"O coop de Dark Souls foi a melhor criação da From Software porque foi o que me salvou na parte invisível do nível final final do Mario Wonder." (eu morri nos balões e fui salvo por um standee)


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Amei a atmosfera deste jogo, especialmente a transição da área florestal – mortífera, mas viva – para a área industrial, fria e indiferente. No início estava sozinho porque tudo me queria matar ou fugia de mim, depois nem essas opções tinha, era só um rapazinho perdido num colosso de metal.

Como se isso não chegasse, a falta de música torna a solidão ainda mais esmagadora.

Também achei brilhante a completa falta de diálogo e texto, deixando o ambiente dar as pistas necessárias para entender as mecânicas do jogo e os limites da personagem principal (apesar de achar que em certos pontos é demasiado vago e acabei por ter de procurar pistas para a solução).

TL;DR: Loved it, didn't like who the culprit is.

A great game with a so-so ending.

First off let me say I went into this game having played about 80% of P5R and all of P3P three times, and, most importantly, knowing who the true culprit is.

I really enjoyed the game overall. The soundtrack is great, the voice acting is pretty good for the most part, the friend group actually feels like a friend group this time around and the mistery is engaging... Until the big reveal...
The culprit didn't do it for me. It may be because I already knew who it was, but I honestly don't think that's it, I just feel it's too out of left field. And I get their reasoning for the murders and whatnot, but eh. Kind of ruined the remaining hours of the game up to the final boss.

I think the review is coming off as too negative, especially for a 4.5 stars rating, but I'm just bad at reviewing art. I did very much have a lot of fun with the game, almost as much as I did with P3P (my absolute favourite). The small town vibe of Inaba is very well done and I liked pretty much all the Social Links, though I missed three of them.

There's a lot more I want to say, but I'm not used to writing, so this is the best I can manage.

This time I completely sped through the game and skipped all dialogue because I was following a guide and I knew all the story beats and was completely maxed out anyways. Still a fun game and the ending almost made me cry again.

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This time I maxed out all the Social Links, fused all the personas and defeated Theodore and Margaret. The only trophy left is the one for beating the game with both protagonists.

I really enjoyed FeMC and I actually liked her Social Links better, especially the S.E.E.S. ones and the Librarian.

Very fun game, but, unlike with first party Mario games, I didn't get the urge to 100% it.


I really enjoyed the plot and want to explore other branches and character arcs, but the Rite gameplay isn't really my cup of tea so I guess I'll look them up on YouTube or something.
Otherwise great game, with good art direction, dialogue, UI and soundtrack, I really do recommend at least one playthrough.

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My god, what a game, I think I like this even more than Persona 5 Royal.

First off, the flaws:
- Tartarus is a drag (and I played the game on Beginner);
- The villains are not very well developed, although you could argue they're not the real antagonist (I think it's time more than anything else);
- Towards the endgame (from late November onwards) I had everything maxed out except for some Social Links, so after maxing out Tower all I did at night was walk Koromaru and go to bed early, but that may be due to me playing on the easiest difficulty;
- Some Social Links are uninteresting (e.g., Moon and Devil), but it's understandable because this was the first game doing them;
- It's a shame the cutscenes had to be cut out but I just watched them on YouTube as I progressed in the story.

The pros:
- I loved the main characters, all of them. At first they look like stereotypical JRPG main cast character, but each one of them has a nice little arc of personal growth;
- The OST is AMAZING, I love the 00s aesthetic with the cheesy rap and the strings;
- The story is pretty good, the "we forgor" bait at them almost got me and I finished the game actually caring about the characters;
- I actually don't think I mind the visual novel style navigation instead of a 3D world because it speeds up the gameplay a bit (I have not played P3/P3FES though);
- I like that the social sim side of the game is not that complex and doesn't have half the activities P5R has, because I felt very overwhelmed with P5R.

Can't think of anything else to say right now, gonna try to fuse all personas and finish Elizabeth's quests and her sister's challenges.

i can't really put my finger on it but something about this one doesn't feel right

if i replayed this i probably wouldn't like it as much but my best PSP memories are from playing this