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Space end game is repetitive but very fun to see how each creature survives or doesn't Making it to the end is incredibly difficult at the center of the galaxy and the rewards almost don't matter by then.

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The cake is a lie

very fun game, very glitchy, very bad graphics for what also came out at the same time. Mechanics are great and fun and would have 5 stars if it wasn't just that it felt rushed and unfinished visually

My rating is influenced by nostalgia but it was a fun relaxing game as a kid. I don't know that i'd play it now

Easily the worst kingdom hearts game. Why cards? Why 20 hours of play for 5 minutes of a riddle for a story?

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Great game, not a great Zelda game. Dungeons felt too easy and there weren't many. The story felt empty and I missed being able to add items to my arsenal as I went. Also why can't the master sword just not run out of energy??

If it weren't for tears of light it would be 5 stars lol