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rhinestonehawk played Pokémon Emerald Version
ok so i played this when i was 12 and at the time i was in my then incessant and never ending pokémon craze. with that i mean i like pokémon for as long as i can remember and i can remember a lot.

i first played fire red in a browser emulator, didn't beat it. i got real far in emerald, but didn't beat the elite four. the reason why i'm writing this and highlighting this game is that i, much like fourty year olds, also feel nostalgia, furthermore i am also blinded by it.
i am endeared, charmed and emotionally attached to pokémon emerald, forever. while not being the best pokémon game i've played, not even taking place in a particularly interesting region, it has a few advantages. the soundtrack for instance. and uuh... i think that's it.
i just cherished my time with it and find it cozy, that's all!

7 days ago

rhinestonehawk completed Say No! More

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i find it hard to give this game a rating for a few reasons. its gameplay is minimal, the message is admitedly simple and a little meaningless in the grand scheme of things and it's hard to connect with any of the characters. despite that, say no! more is an incredibly charming and compelling story with a satisfying interactive element that perfectly finishes the formula. the straight faced comedy is a breath of fresh air, the monotone line deliveries got several giggles out of me and the sound work really puts it all together.
i must admit i almost cried at chapter 7, i didn't press the no! button up until the point i had to because of how emotional and real the tone was. the rest is also cool, i love the ceo and noah is also a really good character that serves as a straight man most of the time he's on screen. it's fun! it's funny! now i must get all the achievements on steam.

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