3 reviews liked by ricomcpato

This game doesn't lie about being "an intensely 3D adventure". No other 16-bit game can deliver the sights and sounds of Toy Story the first movie the way the Genesis version of this game does. When Woody wins, you win. When Buzz gets stuck in a tire, you get stuck in a tire. When Woody gets his ass set on fire,

A cruel angel's thesis with Super Mario 64 soundfont is the best thing that could happend to humanity


Misandry (/mɪˈsændri/) is the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against men or boys in general.[1][2][3] Misandry may be manifested in numerous ways, including social exclusion, sex discrimination, hostility, gynocentrism, belittling of men, violence against men, and sexual objectification.

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