The original NES game is more iconic to me as that's the one I played with my bro all the time. Super C is an improvement mechanically, but the stages and bosses lack the same magic for me. The top-down levels are an improvement over the third-person stages in the first game and would be even further improved in the amazing Contra III.

It's a mediocre shooter with alternating vertical and horizontal scrolling levels. Bland levels, bland power-ups, repeat bosses... just all-round BLAND.

Crash starts really strong and feels really inventive, but once the game moved to the other island is where it really turns up the difficulty dial and veers into b*** category. There are a lot of blind jumps, lot of trial-and-error gameplay, but the biggest problem as a 3D platformer was the depth perception- which I struggled with.

Overall it was a decent start with hope that the future entries improve on the boss battles and the save system, and hopefully minimize the trial-and-error gameplay.

boring stages, ordinary music, mostly okay characters - all of this makes it an average Smash Bros. clone. Fine if you want to only play with friends.

Once you go past level three it takes a really nasty turn, with the latter stages being incredibly difficult. The arcade version really plays well and looks good with the bosses in particular a highlight, especially the massive stage three boss who's a level on its own.

In River City Ransom, the characters Alex and Ryan have to save the latter's girlfriend from the evil clutches of Slick and his dastardly gangs, who're controlling large sections of the city. You have to take them on, beat their bosses, and ultimately face-off against the big bad. So far, it follows a pretty standard brawler template story (see: Double Dragon); where this game differs is the added emphasis on building your characters core stats (bit like an RPG). You read books, eat food, buy moves, and wear gear to enhance your abilities, which makes for a fresh and engaging experience.

This was not meant to be a proper follow-up to the iconic first game... and it certainly shows. The jump & stomp has been replaced by some sort of pick up and throw, which I didn't like at all. Also, the music, the bosses, the general enemies were so bland that I could barely finish this. False advertisement by NOA, and I would have asked for refunds if I was playing this back then :D. Mediocre.

The poster boy for "Arcade Bullshit" game design. You have a joke of a "life-meter", which is rendered useless as you die from a single gunshot; your super spy moves like a truck, yet there are precision platforming sections. Based in a realistic world, but inhabited by huge monster owl/bats, yellow mutant freaks, and fire people… like wtf). The second loop is particularly vicious, hence play the first two levels and move on.

Fun 2-player game where you race down the river visiting many different places, civilizations and fantasy lands, e.g., The Nile, Amazon, The Wild West, The Underworld, and even Jurassic period.

DuckTales was one of the best shows of the '80s, and the NES certainly got a good platformer out of Capcom. The music is really special, and along with Mega Man 1-3, the best of the NES games that I've played till date.

The platforming is really unique; it takes some time getting used to, but once it clicks it feels really great. The level design could have been better as it felt barebones in some sections. The Moon level with its incredible music is truly fantastic.

Ultimately, Scrooge is still the richest duck in the world!

Pretty decent if you ignore the blocky graphics; it has the gameplay of the Street Fighter Alpha series, just in a 3D skin. Not the best roster.

Hercules has great graphics and animations but its really short. Poor endless runner sections mar otherwise decent platforming.

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This is a follow-up to the arcade version of Shinobi and Shadow Dancer and the core gameplay is pretty similar. In Revenge of Shinobi, there are more platforming sections, better stage design, more ninja powers and slightly more forgiving encounters (this time you get a life bar, yay). The music was superb (composed by Yuzo Koshiro of Streets of Rage fame).

Spoiler: You fight Spider-Man (yes, the one and only).

Evil pigs with a lust for gold have taken over the world and it’s up to you, Tomba, to help restore it.

Tomba! is a non-linear platform adventure game, which is a joy to explore as it’s littered with hidden secrets, interconnected levels and abundant puzzles. The backtracking was a pain at first, but later on resolved by a very special flying friend. It’s a little gem of a game.

More transform powers would have been great, but otherwise a fun brawler from SNK.